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哦,那‘断开’是什么?Well, what is disconnection?

断开连接具有其优点。Disconnection has its benefits.

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“好吧,‘断开’到底是什么?”罗伯茨再次追问。“Well, what is disconnection?” Roberts said again.

“哦,那‘断开’是什么?”罗伯茨插嘴说。“Well, what is disconnection?” Roberts interjected.

没有连贯性是失败的重要原因之一。Disconnection is one of the great causes of failure.

分流术后凋亡改善,PHG病变程度缓解。Disconnection exacerbates PHG and shunt ameliorate it.

如果用户不遵守,他们最终的结果是“无法连接上网”。If users do not comply, they could ultimately face disconnection.

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一般地,最大的连接失效时间规定在30-90秒之间。The normal maximum disconnection time is between 30 and 90 seconds.

若客户于系统内尚有未成交的买卖盘时,发生网路接驳问题可以怎办?What can users do if they have outstanding orders while disconnection occurs?

手车有工作位置、试验位置、断开位置。The handcart includes different positions for operation, test and disconnection.

每个应用程序随后都能采取适当的步骤以为断开做好准备。Each application can then take the appropriate steps to prepare for disconnection.

这种与我们日常人格分离的感觉使新的行为方式成为可能。That sense of disconnection from our normal personality allows new ways of behaving.

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分励脱扣器用作远距离断开断路器。The shunt tripping device is used for a remote control of disconnection of the Breaker.

哈吉斯很快在YouTube上发现了汤米·戴维斯在CNN谈“断交”的视频。Haggis soon found on YouTube the video of Tommy Davis talking on CNN about disconnection.

包括计划好的断开以及本地网络的突发断开。This includes planned disconnection as well as abrupt disconnection from the local network.

汤米·戴维斯发给我一些哈伯德在1965年所做的关于“断交”的政策声明。Tommy Davis sent me some policy statements that Hubbard had made about disconnection in 1965.

这个值只能在建立连接之前或断开连接之后指定。This value can only be specified before the connection is established or after a disconnection.

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目的探讨腹腔镜在脾切除门奇静脉断流术中的临床应用。To explore the clinical application of laparoscopic splenectomy with porta-azygos disconnection.

断开后,锁定触头将留在燃油管路末端的快速连接配件内。After disconnection , locking fingers will remain within quick-connect fitting at end of fuel line.

请参照以下方法以改善上网断线频密的情况。此方法不会减低数据机之接驳速度。The following is the solution for reducing frequent disconnection without decreasing the modem speed.