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唯维说,你应该担心吗?Should you be concerned?

她看着我,脸上带着忧虑的神色。She gave me a concerned look.

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投资者深感忧虑。Investors are deeply concerned.

她和犯罪案有牵连。She was concerned in the crime.

是关于肉制品的灾难。The catastrophe concerned meat.

我们关心的是普罗大众。We are concerned with the average.

但是我还是担心你的发烧问题。But I'm concerned about your fever.

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其关心的是公共利益。It is concerned with the common good.

是的,至少在汽车方面是这样的。Yes, as far as motoring is concerned.

或者当你担忧某人时,也可以使用这个句型。or if you're concerned about someone.

她心里只惦着孩子。She is only concerned about her child.

我非常关注他们的一举一动。I am very concerned about what they do.

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可我却没有真正地关心过正义。But I wasn`t really concerned with justice.

她多少还有点挂念康斯坦斯。She was somewhat concerned about Constance.

我们全都关心他的幸福。We are all concerned about his blessedness.

对所有关注的人来说,这一延迟都是一个隐忧。The delay will be a worry for all concerned.

但是支持移民的人也有他们的担忧。But immigration-support groups are concerned.

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实时关注事实新闻动态。Concerned about the fact that real-time news.

微电网得到了人们越来越多的关注。Micro-grid has been concerned more than ever.

他们非常关心集体。They are deeply concerned for the collective.