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她马上想起我对她说过的话。She remembered straightaway what I had said.

想向英语通的专家请教英语问题吗?Want to ask a question straightaway to our experts?

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第一节的时候,我在直道的地方做的不错。The first one I was straightaway with a good lap time.

我马上把亨利的事故告诉了我的妻子。And I told my wife straightaway about the accident of Henry.

古典吸引力是我们自然而然想到的直接方式。Classic attraction is what we would all think of straightaway.

他自己也吃惊没有被立刻击倒。He himself was surprised not to have been picked off straightaway.

她当时在加拿大拍摄中呢,然后直接到了这边。She was shooting, up in Canada, and she came straightaway to the city.

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在与埃弗顿的德比战上派我首发,这真的给了我很大的鼓舞。He put me into the derby straightaway and that gave me a lot of confidence.

想向英语通的专家请教英语问题吗?Want to ask a question straightaway to our experts?Make friends with a foreigner?

人生多坎坷,爬过高坡,定有坦途。The life is much frustrated, climbing over a high ascent, certainly having straightaway.

在比赛中我发现他的确有很大的问题,但我仍然必须在比赛中做到全神贯注。I noticed straightaway that he had a problem.I knew that, but I still had to remain very focused.

安庆方言听起来情绪缓慢、高低落差不大、灵活生动且有通俗易懂。Anqing dialect sounded emotional slow, low drop small, flexible and lively and there straightaway.

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他没有直接向书桌那儿走去,而是向我点了点头,开始看那些花了。He doesn't come up to the desk straightaway , but gives me a nod and starts looking at the flowers.

靴子将再次协助你灯芯立刻释放水分,因此,允许流动的态度。The boots will again assistance you wick straightaway moisture hence allowing release attitude flow.

如果你回想一下切尔西蝉联冠军的时候,他们一直都是开局很好。If you go back to when Chelsea won two titles in a row, they got off to fantastic starts straightaway.

如果让我根据我的经验来回答这个问题,我会脱口而出“至少10小时”。If I were to answer this question based on my experience, I would answer “at least 10 hours” straightaway.

她马上拿了一块红色的法兰绒,用它作了小短裤、小斗篷、小衬衫。Straightaway she got a length of red flannel. From it she made tiny breeches, little cloaks , and jerkins.

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“究竟发生了什么?”沃尔夫直接向科学家发问。“因维人的舰队有一半都让你们弄来了!”"What the hell's going on?" Wolff asked the scientist straightaway. "You've got half the Invid fleet out there! "

这一系统非常灵活,你可以从头开始制定目标,也可以直接采纳已经做好的计划。The system is also flexible enough to let you create your plan from scratch or adopt an pre-made plan straightaway.

针对当前ABS系统的分析大多集中在少自由度的直线制动方面。The majority of the analysis of Anti-Lock Brake system is emphased on few Degrees of Freedom movement on straightaway.