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纳尼亚必须去支援国王伦恩。Narnia must go to the aid of King Lune.

我不记得了,克莱尔。对,克莱尔。德。鲁恩。Mm, I don't remember, Claire. Oh, the Claire de Lune.

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我凭我的法术推算得出你笔直往前走去,就会找到伦恩国王。I know by my art that you will find King Lune straight ahead.

可今年,她这样的“月光族”开始做起了“账客”。This year could be, so she's "Clair de Lune group" to start the "customer accounts.

“国王伦恩显然是我的父亲,”沙斯塔说道,“我确实应该猜得到的。"Apparently King Lune is my father, " said Shasta. "I might really have guessed it.

我就是使马儿们在恐惧中获得新的力量、奔驰最后一段路程,以便你及时见到伦恩国王的那头狮子。I was the lion who gave the Horses the new strength of fear for the last mile so that you should reach King Lune in time.

伦恩国王和他的随从必定已经安全进入城堡,早在拉巴达什到达之前把城门关上了,唯独我被丢在外边了。King Lune and his people must have got safely into the castle and shut the gates long before Rabadash arrived, but I get left out.

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上海绿恩工贸有限公司,专业从事于销售工业、商业物流设备等经营活动的。Shanghai Lune Industry and Trade Co. , Ltd. , that specializes in selling logistics equipments for both industrial-use and commercial-use.

“隐士说,沙斯塔可能及时赶到了国王伦恩那儿,”阿拉维斯继续说道,“所以,看来咱们的一切困难都解决了。终于要到纳尼亚去了,布里!”"The Hermit says that Shasta probably got to King Lune in time, " continued Aravis, "so it looks as if all our troubles are over. Narnia, at last, Bree! "

隐士注视着他的池水,能够告诉她们沙斯塔并没给杀死,或是甚至没受重伤,因为他看见他站了起来,看见他受到国王伦恩慈爱的接待。The Hermit, watching his pool, was able to tell them that Shasta was not killed or even seriously wounded, for he saw him get up and saw how affectionately he was greeted by King Lune.

日本丰田,日本尼桑,法国雷诺等各大汽车公司以及各国自动化仓库都是我公司的长期战略合作伙伴。Toyota Japan, Nissan Japan , Renault French and many automatic 3D storehouse are long-term strategic partnership of us. In order to meet the market, Shanghai Lune Industry and Trade Co.