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烟雨蒙蒙,何处是归程?Amidst the Rain, What is the way?

我们之中有一个悲观的害人精。A pessimistic pest exists amidst us.

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世界在动荡中前进。The world advances amidst turbulence.

他在这些困难中始终坚忍。He persevered amidst all these difficulties.

这架客机在蒙蒙细雨中降落。The airliner landed amidst the drizzling rain.

来烟雨江南的小山楼凭窗发呆吧!Amidst the southern hills to the floor, itdaze!

马丁在一片哄闹声中回到了座位。Martin took his seat amidst an uproar of voices.

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时间在鼓声和愉快的圣歌声中流逝。Amidst the drumbeats and jovial chants, time passed.

他们毫不在意手机并非餐具。Never mind that phones do not belong amidst tableware.

人群围着旗杆上飘扬的布龙欢闹。A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd.

在热烈的掌声中,吴邦国发表了重要演讲。Wu delivered an important speech amidst warm applauses.

这种生物的栖息地位于生长在红枫叶林里的一簇灌木。The habitat was a spicebush stand amidst a red maple forest.

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然而,在潮起潮落之时,有一点始终不变。Yet there has been one constant amidst these shifting tides.

在经济危机中,整个世界都是这样的。Amidst the economic crisis, this is happening the world over.

火爆的游戏舞台被设定在被战乱不断破坏的非洲大陆。Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa.

女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience.

池畔吧在所有活动期间为您提供诱人的鸡尾酒。Pool Bar presents tantalizing cocktails amidst all the actions.

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日本富士山,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑。Japan's Mount Fuji, covered with snow, stands amidst the clouds.

在拉普拉塔河中坐落松树和桉树树。Nestled amidst pine and eucalyptus trees by the Rio de la Plata.

而且,在标记当中查找内容使得略读也很困难。And finding the content amidst the tags makes skimming difficult.