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好好养伤。Keep wound well.

伤口溃烂了。The wound festered.

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伤收口了。The wound has healed.

伤口化脓了。The wound is festering.

伤口血流如注。The wound rained blood.

伤口长皮了。The wound skinned over.

真对不起,我伤害了你。I am sorry to wound you.

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就是皮肉伤而已。It's just a flesh wound.

血从巨大的伤口涌出,没有人能止住。Blood oozes from a wound.

我的伤口痛得厉害。My wound smarts terribly.

请给我看你的伤口.Please show me the wound.

臂上的伤已经封口了。The arm wound has healed.

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伤口未溃烂。The wound did not fester.

伤口愈合得很快。The wound healed quickly.

伤口在流脓。The wound was oozing pus.

伤口开始化脓。The wound began to fester.

线是绕在线轴上的。Thread is wound on spools.

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血从伤口渗出。Blood oozes from the wound.

新伤口好得快。Green wound is soon healed.

护士冲洗伤口。The nurse bathed the wound.