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对地攻击机中队里有惩罚措施吗?。A. D. Were there penal ground attack squadrons?

他因犯了大窃案受过十九年的苦刑。He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.

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索尔仁尼琴的“刑”程始自莫斯科的两个监狱。His penal journey began with stays in two prisons in Moscow.

设施,分别位于一所监狱或其他惩教院所。Facilities that are located at a prison or other penal institution.

我国1979年刑法典没有规定挪用公款方面的犯罪。In the penal law of 1979, the crime of defalcation was not ordained.

刑事诉讼以实现国家刑罚权为首要任务。Realizing the penal right is the primary task of criminal procedure.

1824年开始此地区作为苦役犯的殖民地而居住。The area was settled in 1824 as a penal colony. Population, 734,750.

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刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.

1997年刑法新增加了挪用资金罪的罪名。The crime of embezzling funds is newly added to the Penal Code in 1997.

中国古代成文刑法典中的概括性禁律源远流长。Catch-all statutes have a long history in the penal code in ancient China.

刑法的统一性也要求将赌博非犯罪化。The unity of the Penal Code would also requires decriminalization of gambling.

古代的赦免权问题是一种纯粹意义上的刑法问题。The problem of the prerogative of mercy in ancient time is a pure penal problem.

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职务过失犯罪刑事责任的根据呈多元性的特点。Thereby , the basis of penal responsibility of ministration defect sin is varied.

刑法第217条规定了四种侵犯著作权的犯罪行为。Article 217 of penal law stipulates that four actions are infringement of copyright.

法律赋予了国家安全机关刑事执法权,也赋予了其行政执法权。The safety organs of the state are endowed with the penal and executive power by law.

海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned.

因此,特别行政区有了独立的刑事管辖权。Hence, special administrative regions enjoy independent penal jurisdiction of their own.

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我国现行刑法典336条第一款新设了非法行医罪。No. 336, Section l of our country's penal code set up illegal practice medicine crime newly.

民事枉法裁判罪是刑法理论研究较为薄弱的一个问题。Civil law- bending judgment crime is one of the weak topics in the study of penal law theory.

比较单行刑法而言,刑法修正案是一种比较好的立法模式。Comparison with the one-way Penal Code, Criminal Law amendment is a better legislation model.