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过度地跑动或者爬。Runs around or climbs excessively.

不要发牢骚或过度抱怨。Do not whine or complain excessively.

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你的孩子过分顽皮了。Your child is excessively mischievous.

错误处理中过宽的作用域Excessively wide scope in error-handling

拖运距离并不十分远。Haulage distances are not excessively long.

因为过于贫困,他的生活一直过得很。Beacuse of excessively poor, he is very dumps.

作者在这部作品中说教过多。The author moralizes excessively in this work.

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不要在潮湿的环境中使用粉剂。Don't use dusts in excessively damp situations.

情绪过分高涨,过度愉快,有欣快感Excessively “high, ” overly good, euphoric mood

但“空海一体战”可能有过分挑衅的意味。But AirSea Battle could be excessively provocative.

运动过度导致葡萄a耗竭。The movement causes grape a to exhaust excessively.

有的患者过度限制饮食或偏食。Some patient excessively on diet or partial eclipse.

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这是何等样的叹息!心里必有过度的忧忿。What a sigh is there! The heart is excessively charged.

在这些案例中的任一个,存在相当长路由。In either of these cases, an excessively long route exists.

我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim.

过高温度导致生成半水物。Excessively high temperature causes formation of hemihydrate.

早年艰苦生活的回忆使这个老妇人极度俭省。Memories of hard years made the old woman excessively thrifty.

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长年吃得过多之后,他的身体极度地变样。After years of eating excessively.he was terribly out of shape.

当过分扭转时,这些阀门还是会受到损伤。These valves will also sustain damage when excessively torqued.

他说不希望过多地宣传自己。He said that did not hope excessively many propagandizes itself.