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她骑着一匹纯种马。She was riding a thoroughbred horse.

我拥有世界上最古老的纯种马血统。I have the oldest thoroughbred blood in the world.

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前三名都是英国纯血马。The first three of the racing are English thoroughbred.

这只五岁的纯种母马对青草过敏。This five-year-old thoroughbred mare is allergic to grass.

纯种马问题存在很严重的错误。Something has gone terribly wrong with thoroughbred racing.

他就像一匹纯种的优良赛马,但是太多比赛已经让姚明疲惫不堪了。He is like a thoroughbred who has simply been in too many races.

赛马及良种销售齐头并进,在魔术数百万人。Horse Racing and Thoroughbred Sales go hand in hand at Magic Millions.

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乌塞恩·博尔特吼着冲出起跑线,加速飞跑就像一匹骏马。Usain Bolt roared out of the blocks, accelerating like a thoroughbred.

如果你像对待良种马一样对待你的妻子,那么你最终就不会得到一匹老马。If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred , you'll never end up with a nag.

纯血马竞赛是全世界最常见的赛马类型。Thoroughbred racing is the most common type of horse racing around the world.

不过这种手术在国内外的纯血马中几乎没有成功的先例。But this kind of surgery does not have successful example on thoroughbred horses.

一艘银灰色的气垫船,像一匹纯种烈马,在金波粼粼的海面上飞掠而过。Thee hovercraft is 13, a silver gray, like a thoroughbred horse, in the Jin Bo sea skitter.

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哦,天哪,当时奥巴马给了我一个大大的拥抱,他的身体就像纯种马一样,全是肌肉。Oh my God, he gave me a big hug. His body is like a thoroughbred. It's just, like, pure muscle.

与新南威尔士州的边界仍然对所有纯种马与走马关闭着,但也有例外情况。The border with NSW remains closed to thoroughbred and leisure horses in all but exceptional cases.

回顾嫩江县推广良种的历史,其主要做法有以下几点。Review tender river county to popularize thoroughbred history, its are main the practice has the following.

我相信我就是一匹千里马,执着地追寻着一位识才重才的伯乐!I believe I am a speedy thoroughbred and persist ground to make track for a the know is just heavy just of Bole!

尺度,规模,框架,高度,结合纯血马活动和流线的格局。Dimensions, sizes, layouts, and heights, combine the patterns of circulation and movement of thoroughbred horses.

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该市是著名的良种马饲养中心,775年以莱克星顿战役命名。A noted center for the raising of thoroughbred horses, it was named in 775 after the Battle of Lexington. Population, 204, '5.

然而,对于曼联来说,能够拥有一批热爱红魔,把球队当成性命,甚至堪比球队超级粉丝的天才球星们自然是一件很幸运的事。Well for Manchester United they are lucky enough to have a host of players that love the club as much as any thoroughbred fan.

该市是著名的良种马饲养中心,1775年以莱克星顿战役命名。A noted center for the raising of thoroughbred horses, it was named in1775 after the Battle of Lexington. Population, 204, 165.