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我被劝退也因为患有孤独症。I flunked out because I am autistic.

他们有两个孩子,其中一个是孤独症患者。They have two children, one of them autistic.

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我在特殊班级上课就因为我患了孤独症。I ended up in special classes because I am autistic.

Stillman在关于如何对待孤独症儿童的问题上,提出了以下忠告Stillman has advice for dealing with an autistic child.

谢里尔在家照顾他们患有自闭症的19岁的儿子。Sherrill stays home to care of their autistic son, now 19.

当内心遭遇欺骗,自闭者会尤其脆弱。Autistic people are particularly vulnerable to deceptions of the heart.

当时她有一个八个月大的婴儿,一个两岁大的女儿和一个患有自闭症的4岁儿子。She had an eight-month-old, a 2 year-old, and a 4 year-old autistic son.

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我要是写文章向媒体抱怨这件事,那才真是自闭到家了。It would be down- right autistic to write to the newspapers and complain.

他像其他所有自闭症孩子一样有很问题,但是他是一个好孩子。He had a lot of problems like all autistic kids do, but he was a good kid.

这是关于两个孤独症家庭的一段令人心碎的心灵史。This is a heart-broken story of two families with their autistic children.

我希望他们理解一个重症孤独症患者也能成就一番事业。I hope they'll get that somebody who is severely autistic really can achieve.

这种仪式勾画了这些患有自闭症的非洲下层社会孩子们的未来。An act that shapes the future of autistic and underprivileged African children.

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太田阶段评价法是一种评价自闭症儿童的认知程度的方法。Ota-staging evaluation method is a way of rating autistic children's awareness.

她和她的同事们对28个6到15岁的雨孩也重复了相同的实验。She and colleagues repeated the experiment with 28 autistic kids, ages 6 to 15.

本文运用个案研究方法,对一名孤独症儿童进行为期5个月的研究。This is a 5-month research on an autistic child using the method of case study.

我相信有一种观点是温和的孤独症样特性只是正常的人类变异。I believe there’s a point where mild autistic traits are just normal human variation.

一个诊断测试表明,一些自闭症儿童缺少消化蛋白质的酶。A diagnostic test revealed that some autistic children lack enzymes that digest protein.

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我认为在英国以及整个世界范围内,一个孤独症文化正在兴起。I think there is something of an autistic culture developing in this country and worldwide.

他以一个为生存而挣扎着的家庭中备受关爱的自闭症儿子的故事作为这个长篇的结束语。He ends the long piece with the scene of a much-beloved autistic son in a struggling family.

另一个关于节奏引导行动的例子来自于一个不会系鞋带的自闭症男孩。Another example of how rhythm orders movement is an autistic boy who could not tie his shoes.