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他们都肯定基督在圣餐中的同在。Both affirmed Christ's presence in the Eucharist.

圣体圣餐中被奉为神圣的成分。Mysteries The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.

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有没有庆祝圣体圣事的这一天。There is no celebration of the Eucharist on this day.

圣餐指圣事中食用的面包和葡萄酒。The Eucharist refers to the sacramental bread and wine.

圣餐某地区全体教徒接受圣餐的圣礼。The sacrament of the Eucharist received by a congregation.

圣体圣事是耶稣对我们的爱,最伟大的表达。The Eucharist is Jesus' greatest expression of His love for us.

也是这位救主,临在于圣体圣事当中。The same Redeemer is present in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

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因为,一天24小时,我们都在触摸基督的圣体。This is because 24 hours a day, we touch Christ in the Eucharist.

怎麽说圣体是至尊至大的圣事呢?Why is the Blessed Eucharist the greatest and noblest of the sacraments ?

看看它说的,只有受洗的基督徒才能吃圣餐。Notice it says the Eucharist is to be restricted to only baptized Christians.

感觉好像你是一个牧师,他的行为是在圣体礼的地位。Feel as though you're standing by a priest as he acts as celebrant during Eucharist.

十九世纪从罗马天主教分离出来的天主教派。Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.

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顺便说一句,如果受洗了,我们不能接受圣餐,因为那得吃肉。By the way, if we get baptized we certainly can't take the Eucharist because that's eating meat.

路德并不明白慈运理为何无法接受基督在圣餐中实际的同在。Luther did not understand Zwingli's reticence to accept a physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

修士们每天在马槽庆祝感恩祭而夜里在圣地游行。The Friars , daily celebrate the Eucharist at the Manger and at noon perform a procession around the Holy Places.

为合宜地,虔敬地庆祝弥撒圣祭,我们也应当对在圣堂中的礼仪及其具体施行方式有所认识,理解并热爱礼仪。The proper celebration of the Eucharist involves knowing, understanding and loving the Church's liturgy in its concrete form.

在感恩祭当中,就在这个地方,我们大家成为一个团体,一个基督的奥体。Later in the celebration of the Eucharist they will be formed into a community, the Body of Christ in this place and this time.

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到最后,这场争论不欢而散,基督论的问题使得改教家在圣餐的教义上分道扬镳。The debate would come to an unhappy close, with the Christological questions keeping the Reformers apart on the doctrine of the Eucharist.

贝尔法斯特的爱尔兰大教堂的圣安妮教会将在明天下午1点,圣诞节那天上午10点、11点和下午3.30点主持圣餐礼。St Anne's Church of Ireland Cathedral in Belfast will celebrate the Eucharist at 1pm tomorrow and at 10am, 11am and 3.30pm on Christmas Day.

圣餐仪式中牺牲的观念,一部分是指基督的牺牲,一部分是指由信徒们做出的基督徒生命的牺牲。The notion of sacrifice in the Eucharist refers partly to Christ's sacrifice and partly to the sacrifice of the Christian life by believers.