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创造力和福祉是唇齿相依的。Creativity and well being are intricately interrelated.

可见,一切都是错综复杂并全息相关的。You see all are intricately and holographically related.

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萧条和复苏的过程是盘根错节的。The process of recession and recovery are intricately intertwined.

而且没有哪种生物的社会关系比人类更加复杂和精密。And no species is more intricately and deeply social than humans are.

人类与环境的联系会更加丝丝缕缕,纠缠不清。And humans will be ever more intricately linked with their environment.

图为和顺庭院里普通家庭住宅上雕刻精致的格子窗。Intricately carved latticed windows in the courtyard of a Heshun family home.

冰凉的水会从青铜容器上雕镂的精致图案上滴下。Cold water will drip from the intricately chased designs of the bronze vessels.

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五颜六色的染料用于给人绘制设计铜花瓶。The colorful dyes shown are applied by hand to intricately designed copper vases.

香港与祖国一脉相连,唇齿相依。The interests of Hong Kong and the Motherland are intricately linked and intertwined.

这具骨架是用杂乱无章的、然而又是精心制作的珠宝碧玉、琥珀、自然铜和珍珠来加以装饰。The skeleton was adorned with intricately crafted jewels of jade, amber, pyrite, and pearl.

它的特色是意大利薄纱覆盖,具有错综复杂的褶饰紧身晚礼服长。It featured an Italian tulle overlay, evening long gowns, with an intricately ruched bodice.

持续集成常常与测试驱动的开发实践杂乱的链接在一起。Continuous integration is often intricately linked with the practice of test-driven development.

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这款制作精细的串珠手链,将怀旧气息与今季的大热色彩完美结合。This intricately beaded bracelet combines a touch of vintage style with this season's hottest colors.

外包装盒用的是不合格的劣质皮纸或其他材质。With the outer packing box is not qualified intricately worked leather or other material to inferior.

很清楚,在创作比以往更多复杂的自我参照的小说中,将得到降低声誉的回报。There would clearly be diminishing returns in creating ever more intricately self-referential fictions.

钟是用上等的青铜铸成的,造型和图案都很精美。The bell was made of the finest bronze and its design and intricately carved pictures were very elegant.

突如其来的细节杂乱无章却又无比真实,你常常会忘记哈金是在写小说。Bursting with intricately well-researched details, it's often hard to remember that Jin is writing fiction.

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在寺泽医生的默默守护下,咲子怀着复杂的心情踏上了寻父之旅。This surprise stir up her desire to find her father. Sakiko started her trip with Daisuke, feeling intricately.

但是,它们和很多鞋子一样造型复杂,有着不同密度的记忆泡棉和碳纤维后跟。But they are as intricately built as a lot of shoes, with varying-density memory foam and a carbon-fiber heel cup.

红色桃花心木车库门与设计复杂的潘托前门相互搭配,形成一个相当平衡的门面。The mahogany garage doors are a complement to the intricately designed Panto front doors for a well balanced façade.