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他倾向于和平主义。He leaned to pacifism.

后来,他放弃了和平主义立场。He later cast aside his pacifism.

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我们要努力谋求和平,但不代表和平主义。We are to try for peace. This does not mean pacifism.

日本好棒。和平主义只会导致另外那个家伙把你的东西抢走。Bravo Japan. Pacifism only leads to the other guy taking your stuff.

基督教和平主义思想是贺川思想的最为集中的体现。Christian Pacifism is the most concentrated expression of Kagawa's thought.

不过,甘地的和平主义可以在某种程度上与他的其它教导区分开来。However, Gandhi's pacifism can be separated to some extent from his other teachings.

应用到对外政策,和平主义要么不再是和平主义的,要么就变成绥靖。Applied to foreign politics, pacifism either stops being pacifist or becomes appeasement.

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亚当斯的和平主义观点曾激怒了亲眼目睹过德国军国主义的罗斯福。Addams’s pacifism incensed Roosevelt, who had seen the face of German militarism up close.

克勒先生似乎为战争找了一个经济方面的理由,但是明显触动了某些和平主义者的神经。Mr Köhler seemed to be offering an economic justification, an affront to their instinctive pacifism.

爱因斯坦说和平主义是正确信条,所以和平主义是正确的信条,我们不知道什么呢?Einstein says pacifism is the right creed therefore pacifism is the right creed. What have we don't know?

但是不久之后,她不做了,投身于前南斯拉夫的慈善工作,并在此阶段修正了和平主义理念。But thereafter she drifted off to do charity work in former Yugoslavia, modifying her pacifism in the process.

儒家、墨家和道家的和平社会理想无疑都印证在东方和平主义的社会理想之中。The social ideals on peace of Confucianism, Mohism and Daoism are no doubt confirmed in the Oriental Pacifism.

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此后,我试图重新建立自己的世界观,把对拉登的崇敬、迷恋从我的和平主义理想中剔除出去。Hereafter, I tried to rebuild my world view to eliminate my adoration and infatuation to Bin Ladon from my pacifism.

其他人士则非常渴望和平,这让美国很怀疑,日本是否会在他们需要的时候出现。Others are so wedded to pacifism that the Americans wonder if the Japanese would actually turn up if they were needed.

和1776年,整个美国朋友1754年加强了与和平主义的承诺,并开始谴责奴隶制。Between 1754 and 1776, Friends throughout America strengthened their commitment to pacifism and began to denounce slavery.

列宁热爱这种“被禁锢的仇恨”,将其奉为“俄国革命的镜子”,却对他的和平主义,以及对上帝的信仰视而不见。Lenin loved Tolstoy's "pent-up hatred. " He anointed him "the mirror of the Russian Revolution, " ignoring his pacifism and belief in God.

这就是为什么生于二战恐怖下的阁僚们力图将德国的责任与其与生俱来的“和平主义情结”挂钩。Thus did ministers seek to reconcile Germany's duties as an ally with its instinctive pacifism , born of the horrors of the second world war.

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一九六○年代,美国诗人罗勃特。洛厄尔服膺和平主义,拒绝为国家到越南服役,被判入狱五个月。During the1960s american poet robert lowell having embraced pacifism refused to serve his country in vietnam. for this refusal he was sentenced to five months in prison.

真正使批评欧洲反战论的美国人不得其解的是,欧洲各国站出来反对伊拉克战争或拒绝在阿富汗战争中作出更大的承诺。What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.

日本海军今天接受了其自二战以来的最大战舰,日本继续扩张自己的军事实力以摆脱战后的和平主义。Japan'snavy today took delivery of its biggest warship since the Second World War asit continues expanding its military capability in an attempt to shed itspost-war pacifism.