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并不奇怪。Not surprisingly.

答案出乎意料得简单——击球员。The answer was surprisingly simple.

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这箱子轻得出人意外。The suitcase is surprisingly light.

但他们的技术惊人地娴熟。But they are surprisingly tech-savvy.

他生花的妙笔令人惊讶。He had a surprisingly delicate touch.

DDoS攻击是惊人的低技术。DDoS attacks are surprisingly low tech.

他们例举了许多令人吃惊的不错理由。They marshal some surprisingly good arguments.

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用一句子表达黑体词他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。They, not surprisingly , did not respond at all.

哈吉斯发现心灵电仪表令人惊奇地敏感。Haggis found the E-Meter surprisingly responsive.

哈利表示“这一结论令人非常震惊。”Harley said “the results are surprisingly strong.”

在空中,海鹦也是惊人的飞行健将。In the air, puffins are surprisingly fleet flyers.

这么说吧,他们的脾气出奇地好。In other word, they were surprisingly good-humored.

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换句话说,他们非常具有幽默感。In other words, they are surprisingly good-humored.

换句话说,他们的脾气都出奇的好。In other words, they were surprisingly good-humoured.

在某些方面,他也令人惊异地极富远见。He is also, in some respects, surprisingly far-seeing.

而获得的反响只是沉默——一段惊人地长的时间里都是沉默。The reaction was, for a surprisingly long time, silence.

这看上去很在理,但却出乎意料地引来许多争议。This seems obvious, but it’s surprisingly controversial.

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北极圈内的冰坚硬得让人吃惊,它们在很早之前已经形成了。Ice is surprisingly strong and forms early in the arctic.

在那笔记上,器官的果园杂集令人惊讶地好。On that note, Organic Orchard Medley is surprisingly good.

同样,某些地球工程相当低廉,令人吃惊。Some forms of geo-engineering are also surprisingly cheap.