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传播福音是基督徒的责任。Evangelization is the responsibility of all Christians.

在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe.

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最初,使徒们和受限制的基督教化只对犹太人。Initially the Apostles and confined evangelization to the Jews.

我们需要的任务非同寻常的力量当地和世界福。And we need extraordinary power for the task of local and world evangelization.

藉著您这信德的礼物﹐您能把我们福传工作的成效增加百倍。With your faithful gifts, you can multiply the impact of our evangelization work!

对任何一间机构、教会或个人而言,普世宣教实在是一个太庞大的任务。The task of world evangelization is too big for any one organization, church or individual.

至此,他们重新踏上致力一生的福传工作。Thus, their re- evangelization began to be carried out above all through the testimony of life.

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为强化团体生活,应加强向外福传活动。To consolidate community life, the group should strengthen its activities of evangelization ad gentes.

在中国的教会不只会更刚强,也将能承担起世界宣教的使命。The churches in China will not only be stronger, they will take up the responsibility of world evangelization.

一班福传音乐会筹委分享他们多年来筹划音乐会的目的和他们的信仰成长历程。The organizers of the first Chinese Catholic Evangelization Concert in Toronto share with us their spiritual journeys.

我们真的期望看到来自厂商更多的推广,帮助他们的客户拥抱这些技术。We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help their customers embrace these technologies.

节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance.

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他们认为,这是福传的时机,希望教会能多传递社会公益信息和举办相关活动。They said they hoped the local Church could grasp this evangelization opportunity by holding many activities for the public good.

我们笃信耶稣基督再来的确据激励我们过圣洁的生活,并鼓舞我们普世宣教的热情。We believe that the certainty of the personal return of Jesus Christ inspires holy living and zeal for the evangelization of the world.

他于二零零七年到访多伦多时接受了「生命恩泉」的访问﹐跟我们分享他的福传历程。When he visited Toronto in 2007, Fountain of Love and Life did an interview with him, in which he shared with us his evangelization journey.

这包括一项对教会是为今日而造的过程的瞭解,以及一向依旧挑战向这世界宣讲福音的探索。This includes an understanding of the progress the church has made to this date and an exploration of the remaining challenges to world evangelization.

一班福传音乐会筹委分享他们多年来筹划音乐会的目的和他们的信仰成长历程。The organizers of the first Chinese Catholic Evangelization Concert in Toronto share with us their passion in organizing concerts and their spiritual journeys.

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它是去年十二月中国天主教第八届代表会议上新成立的其中一个工作委员会。The Committee for Pastoral Care and Evangelization is one of the new bodies that were formed at the National Congress of Catholic Representatives last December.

他的活动轨迹不仅带有当时来华传教士共有的宣教布道气息,同时也对近代福建社会的发展进程产生重要的影响。His activities not only bore the common imprints of the missionaries' evangelization in China, but also affected on the development of the neoteric Fujian society.

公教艺人张德兰跟大家分享她的演艺生涯、福传工作、婚姻等等,以及天主教信仰在她生命中扮演的角色。Catholic singer, Teresa Cheung, shares with us about her career, evangelization work, marriage, and the important role that her Catholic faith has played in her life.