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咳,你总能找到一条头巾的。Well, there's always a headband.

你在哪里找到我的滑雪束发带?Where did you find my ski headband?

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试试扎个马尾辫或头巾会比较好。You can rather try ponytail or a headband.

您是竞标的灯笼裤和头带只。You are bidding on the bloomers and headband only.

舒适、稳定而无阻碍的头戴设计。Confortable, stable and unobtrusive headband design.

你摘了发带会有人认不出你来。Sometimes people don't recognize you without the headband.

这个感测器不过是头带上的一个小金属条,其馀部份是床边的仪表板。The sensor is just a little strip of metal in that headband there.

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这是一种能把耳塞刚好弯到你的耳朵里的可折叠的头巾。It’s a foldable headband that bends the earbuds right into your ears.

你身上的每一样东西——从短袜到头巾——都必须试穿过上路。Everything on your body, from socks to a headband should be road-tested.

掌握了最热门的发带趋势,你就可以去炫耀你独特的配饰技巧啦。Flaunt your unique accessorizing skills by nailing down the hottest headband trends.

她用一块雪白的头巾轻轻的擦拭着,头巾是她戴在金属战斗盔之内的。She dabbed at it with the snow-white headband she had worn under her metal war helm.

在心情最好的时候,总有那麽两次,我会接到保罗-皮尔斯的头带。The best days, and there were two of these, were reserved for Paul Pierce's headband.

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不同的发带宽度和颜色会有不同的效果。The width as well as the color of the headband will have a great impact on your look.

“侾”黎男子多头裹黑巾,大部分妇女平时不戴头巾。"Xiao Li" men mostly use black kerchiefs , whereas the women will not wear the headband.

也可以使用束发带之类的饰品来增加女生的柔美。And a touch of femininity, such as a bow headband can be added to tone down the masculinity.

她也是第一次,我们知道要戴头巾称为宝石,而竞争的头饰。She is also the first we know about to wear a jeweled headband called a tiara while competing.

不要忘了戴帽子或者系头带来保护您的耳朵,它也容易被冻伤。And don't forget a hat or headband to protect your ears, which also are vulnerable to frostbite.

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电子耳的运作依赖于佩戴者额头上的头箍,它可以监测使用者的脑波。The Neocomimi works with a headband that goes round the user’s forehead and monitors brain waves.

通过选择编织,钩针或串珠型的发带,把你自己变成一个活泼清新的女神。Turn yourself into a breezy goddess by opting for the braided, crochet or beaded headband models.

你必须毕业后成为一个忍者才可以带上木叶护额You can only wear the leaf headband when you finally graduate from the academy and become a ninja.