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什么是憩室炎?。What Is Diverticulitis?

有症状的十二指肠憩室炎罕见。Symptomatic duodenal diverticulitis is rare.

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目的探讨盲肠憩室炎的临床诊断与治疗。Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment of cecal diverticulitis.

目的探讨急性阑尾憩室炎的声像图特点。Objective To analyse the characteristics of ultrasound of acute appendicitis diverticulitis.

目的探讨神经原性膀胱手术方式选择与术后并发症。Objective To investigate the diagnosis and surgical procedure selection of ileoceca diverticulitis.

目的探讨回盲部憩室炎的诊断和手术方式的选择。Objective To investigate the diagnosis and surgical procedure selection of ileocecal diverticulitis.

组织病理检查证实有乙状结肠憩室并引起膀胱脓肿。Pathological examination of the bladder revealed bladder abscess and the sigmoid colon showed diverticulitis.

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目的探讨结肠憩室炎穿孔的临床表现与处理。Objective To explore the clinical manifestation and treatment of acute perforation induced by colonic diverticulitis.

急性憩室炎是一种最常见的结肠急性疾病,常常与低纤维饮食有关。Acute diverticulitis is one of the most frequently encountered acute diseases of the colon and is commonly related to a low fiber diet.

没有看到憩室炎与吃玉米之间有关联,憩室出血与任何食物的食用之间的关系。No association was seen between diverticulitis and eating corn, and no association with diverticular bleeding was seen with any of the foods.

另外,人巨细胞病毒的隐性感染与胎儿致畸、结肠憩室炎、动脉硬化等密切相关。Except these, infection with HCMV is closely related with occurrence of physical and mental defects of new-born, atherosclerosis, colonic diverticulitis.

经常吃坚果,玉米,或爆米花者比很少吃这些食物的人并没有更大风险发展为憩室炎或憩室出血。Men who ate nuts, corn, or popcorn frequently were found to have no greater risk for developing diverticulitis or diverticular bleeding than men who rarely ate the foods.

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结论结肠憩室炎急性穿孔处理应根据患者全身状况和腹腔污染等情况综合判定。Conclusions The management of acute perforation induced by the colonic diverticulitis should be judged according to the patient's systemic condition and contamination of the abdominal cavity.