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这样的话,他彻底失败的时间更快。That way he'll come a cropper sooner.

但这只得到了参议院的一个种植者的响应。But that came a cropper in the Senate.

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巴巴拉破产了,她栽了个大跟头。Barbara came a cropper when her business failed.

劳埃德骑车栽了跟头,把腿摔断了。Loyd came a cropper on his bicycle and broke his leg.

不老实的人到头来总是要栽跟头的。Dishonest people are bound to come a cropper in the end.

然而,在五天后的蒙得维的亚,科威尔等诸将却摔了跟头。Five days later in Montevideo, however, Harry Kewell and co came a cropper.

随后会引起树势衰弱,明显两年结一次果。It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper.

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气垫式草坪修剪机是一种较先进的草坪修剪机械。The air cushion type lawn cropper is one kind of advanced lawn trim machinery.

以下是一些插件,我发现非常有用的可用于克罗珀。The following are a few plugins that I've found very useful to be used with Cropper.

亲密是一种有魔力的难以言状的东西,没有她,爱就会枯萎。Intimacy is that magical, illusive something, without which love comes a real cropper.

而一旦重权在握,也就是处于繁华之时,就在人生的道路上栽了跟头。Once-powerful, that is, at the time of prosperity, on the road of life came a cropper.

投资是一项风险事业,即使是那些懂的人有时也会栽跟斗。Investment is a hazardous business, even those who are in the swim sometimes come a cropper.

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可以预见该放线菌产生的生理活性物质在农作物的栽培上具有广阔的应用前景。It can be well predicted that there is a tremendous prospect of the physiological activity by the actinomycete in cropper growth.

最初成立于2003年以处理被拘留者运往其他地方,现在的克劳珀营能容纳几千人。Originally established in 2003 to process detainees destined for other locations, Camp Cropper now houses several thousand suspects.

一只会走空中绳索的小仓鼠非常喜欢展示它的杂技技巧,当它顺着绳子滑到绳中央的时候就像是要栽跟头一样。A high-wire hamster who loves to show off her circus skills almost came a cropper when she slipped off a tightrope in the middle of a routine.

每一名被羁押的拘留者都要在巴格达郊区的美军克罗帕营等待释放或被转交到伊拉克监狱。Every prisoner in US custody awaiting release or transfer to the Iraqi prison system comes through the US-run Camp Cropper detainee facility near Baghdad.

我们现在也进行得很顺利,根据近年联赛统计,我们占有优势,所以我想我们会取得最后的胜利。We were on a very good run at the time and we'd had superiority over them for years in the league, so I suppose eventually you are always going to come a cropper.

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具有生产率高,通用性强,播量精确等特点,能够充分满足我国广大水稻种植户对水稻育秧设备的需求。It takes on higher productivity, stronger purpose and precise quantity of sowing and so on, can fully meet the demand to equipments that the large cropper plant paddy rice in our country.

随着工农业的发展,重金属对土壤和农作物的污染问题越来越突出,对土壤重金属的修复研究也越来越重要。With the development of industry and agriculture, heavy metal contamination of soil and cropper is more and more serious. And the studies about the remediation of soils become more and more important.