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如果向俗人把我们的爱情倾诉。To tell the laity our love.

新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.

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神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.

在一定程度上这种模式扩大到俗人的。To some extent this pattern was extended to the laity as well.

一位阅读圣经的平民是一个国家面对错谬时最坚定的防卫。Bible-reading laity is a nation's surest defence against error.

有时候,并非总是,神职人员和俗人投了单独的分庭。Sometimes, not always, the clergy and laity voted in separate chambers.

他号召俗众不去参加那些拒不听命的祭司为人举行的弥撒。He called on the laity not to attend mass when celebrated by a recalcitrant priest.

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信徒皆为祭司,受职者与平信徒同心服事。We believe in the priesthood of all believers, the parity of ministers and the laity.

一样是顶着一颗脑袋吃着五谷杂粮享受有生之年的俗人一个。Is the same as eating whole grains withstand a head and enjoy a lifetime of the laity.

被人所取是指比丘不如法地跟俗人混在一起。Taken away by a human being means that a Bhikkhu lives, mingling improperly with laity.

当他们被宇宙里一切存在拥有时候,它们就存在于外行人的头脑中。As they are possessed by all beings in the universe, they exist in the mind of the laity.

摩门教犹他会解除了祭司与世俗者之间的区别。The Utah branch of Mormonism dissolves the distinctions between the priesthood and the laity.

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无处不在,佛教寺院的社区往往依赖于俗人对粮食和物质上的支持。Everywhere, Buddhist monastic communities tended to depend on the laity for food and material support.

其中的关键概念背后的宗教仪式和节日的佛教俗人和僧侣,是提供。One of the pivotal concepts behind the rites and festivals of Buddhist laity and monks is that of offering.

他们的决定已经被接受,由教士和俗人的任何时候,其效力不容置疑的。Their decisions have been accepted by the clergy and the laity of all times, making their validity indisputable.

我承认,我自己在面对金钱时也是一个大大的俗人,所以我对自己也有着说不出的失望。I admit that my own money in the face of the laity is a great, so I could not also have their own disappointment.

格雷高里煽起俗众暴乱用以抵制结婚的祭司和他们的妻子,这时僧侣夫妻经常遭到令人发指的虐待。Gregory stirred up riots of the laity against married priests and their wives, in which both often suffered brutal ill-treatment.

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自从教会存在的那一刻起,主教就是由各地教会或各教区的神职和平信徒共同选举产生的。From the very beginning of church history, bishops were elected by the laity and clergy of the various local churches, or dioceses.

在西方教会中,神职人员和平信徒的声音被正常地保留了下来,但是现今却参杂进了许多邻近教区主教的参与。In the West, the will and voice of the clergy and laity remained normative, but there was greater input now from bishops of neighboring dioceses.

而俗人的品茶竞赛则在15世纪的武士贵族中发展成一种更为精致、冥想的形式。The laity enjoyed tea-tasting competitions that developed into a more refined, meditative form among the warrior aristocracy in the 15th century.