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今晚就是我们公司一个简单的圣诞晚会。Tonight is our company Chritmas Dinner Nite.

如果你有任何问题,我明天晚上回来。If you have any question I will be back tomorrow nite.

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我希望妳可以听见我为那天晚上最后所唱的歌。I wish you heard the last song I was singing from that nite.

写这封短信是为了通知你下次见面的事。This is a quick nite to let you know about the next meeting.

正如歌说,它的女士们黑夜,和感觉的权利。As the song says, it's Ladies Nite , and the feeling's right.

昨晚的佳肴当中我的最爱是“炒四季豆配肉松”。My favourite for the nite is the Fried snake bean with mince meat.

裸体之夜每两年举办一次,每次持续活动持续两周,一周在奥兰多,一周在坦帕市。Nude Nite happens twice a year, one weekend in Orlando and one in Tampa.

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我和云云常常招呼客人,通常每天晚上也会出来游玩。Arwen and I? have visitors often, and come out to play almost every nite.

而且,我没有期望在一夜间实现。For additional view, I'm not really expected to see this in only one nite.

奈爱小号9字钩可以拉紧任何绳子。The Nite Ize Figure 9 Carabiner tightens, tensions, and secures ropes without knots.

给出规则的三角形单元的有限元素法的计算过程。The calculation progress of the regular triangular element fi- nite element method is given.

他们可以很容易俘获女孩子的心,但是他们也会在黑的夜里叼著烟流泪。They can get loves from girls easily, but they will only faggin in the nite and crying alone.

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我累得不行了,现在我要在那小暖气旁,美美的睡上一觉了。晚安了。I am so tired now, and ready for bed in front of my nice heater. Nite nite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

我们买了电台的广告权,所以在洛杉矶任何地方,都知道la2nite。com网站,是这样拼写的,LA,数字,然后N-I-T-E。We bought radio ads, so all around LA, say, visit, 2 that's LA, the No.2, com

早期干预应掌握指征并结合呼吸衰竭趋势。Early intervention needs clear and defi- nite indication combined with consideration of pending respiratory failure.

如果你不想再一个人熬过那漫漫长夜的话,那就学会怎样轻松地接近、搭讪女性吧。Never again do you have to spend a another nite alone. Learn how easy it really can be to approach and talk to woman.

它以自洽模型为基础,利用有限元迭代法计算有效介质的平均弹性性能。Based on self-consistent model, the average elastic properties of effective medium are calculated by the fi nite element iteration procedure.

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流动及振动控制方程组分别采用基于非结构化运动网格上的有限体积法和有限差分法求解。The numerical method is finite volume method on unstructured moving mesh for fluid flow and fi- nite difference method for structural vibration.

中的丹尼尔.德瑞博创意不足,无法自己发明一个超级英雄,所以选择在原本的一代夜枭退休以后接收这个身分。Daniel Dreiberg in 'Watchmen' is not creative enough to invent his own superhero character, so he takes one from a retiring superhero, the original Nite Owl.

发挥作为隐身黑夜猫头鹰,打击敌人的顽强街头纽约市,或作为打斗反英雄喜剧演员在闷热的丛林越南。Play as the stealthy Nite Owl, battling enemies in the gritty streets of New York City, or as brawling anti-hero The Comedian in the sweltering jungles of Vietnam.