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他有选择性地用词。Frost has made a suggestive choice of words.

让我们期待他剑走偏锋而引人思考的演讲。Let's expect his bizarrerie and yet suggestive speech.

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图像是描述性的,而声音就更具暗示性了。Image is descriptive, but sound is much more suggestive.

或许发型也暗示了性取向。Or maybe hairstyles are suggestive of sexual orientation.

一个母亲对她女儿穿的坦胸露背非常生气。A mother is very angry with her daughter's suggestive outfits.

牵拉性支气管扩张也强烈提示肺纤维化。Traction bronchiectasis is also strongly suggestive of fibrosis.

酒体醇浓精致而优雅,令人联想到野浆果,薄荷的清香。Elegant with fine intensity, suggestive of wild berries and mint.

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此种“穿孔”性溃疡提示有单纯疱疹病毒的感染。Such "punched out" ulcers are suggestive of herpes simplex infection.

是恐惧导致了你在考试时忽然发作“提示性失忆”。Fear is behind suggestive amnesia that strikes during examination time.

要不也许是我有点性暗示的回答冒犯了谁?Or perhaps it was my somewhat sexually suggestive comments that offended?

肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process.

本文就是针对肝脏裂伤的病人,希望能找出需要手术的电脑断层影像准则。The aim of this study is to find the suggestive CT image criteria for operation.

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最后提出了发展西部农村文化产业的路径选择和对策建议。At last, the stategic consideration and suggestive measures are also put forward.

梦里的土褐色基调暗示着一切事物是清白无辜的。The earth tone brown in dreams is suggestive of all things unsullied and innocent.

大脑内没有“滑稽中心”这样一个地方——但结果很有启发。There’s no one “funny center” in the brain–but the findings were pretty suggestive.

有人认为这些复杂的行为正好是恐龙属于温血动物的一种暗示。Some have argued that such sophisticated behavior is suggestive of warm-bloodedness.

视频共享网站Youtube近日公布了一项对“涉黄”视频剪辑的禁令。Video sharing website YouTube has announced a clampdown on sexually suggestive clips.

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晚饭后,女人含情脉脉,楚楚动人的躺到床上。After dinner, woman cooed some suggestive little sighs and slipped invitingly into bed.

5月22日至今天,未发现新病例提示H5N1感染。As of today, no new cases suggestive of H5N1 infection have been detected since 22 May.

涉性广告及其它不良广告严重误导消费者,损害群众健康。Sexually suggestive ads and bad ads mislead consumers seriously and harm public health.