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米迦问他说,你从哪里来。And Micah said unto him, Whence comest thou?

弥迦建立的政府并非开明。It was not a liberal government that Micah founded.

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旧约圣经弥迦书5章2节是一个预言。它指的是耶稣的降生。Micah chapter 5, verse 2, points to the birth of Jesus.

以法莲山地有一个人名叫米迦。And there was a man of mount Ephraim, whose name was Micah.

米迦的儿子是毗敦、米勒、他利亚和亚哈斯。And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz.

米迦的儿子是毗敦,米勒,他利亚,亚哈斯。And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea, and Ahaz.

米卡·利德贝格,另一位疯狂而多产的插图家,他有一些虚幻作品。Micah Lidberg, another crazy prolific illustrator with some unreal work.

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我们还有两个很好的孙子,他们是9岁的Kelsey及7岁的Micah。We have two wonderful Grandchildren. Kelsey 9yrs old and Micah 7 yrs old.

他们从那里往以法莲山地去,来到米迦的住宅。And they passed thence unto mount Ephraim, and came unto the house of Micah.

行路的时候,到了以法莲山地,走到米迦的家。And as he journeyed, he came to the hill country of Ephraim to the house of Micah.

“有人说我们是吵闹的邻居,”曼城右后卫迈克理查德说。"People call us the noisy neighbours, " Micah Richards, the City right-back, said.

作者迈卡·盖伦是一名独立多媒体记者,也是媒体组织“十字路口”的合作创始人。Micah Garen is an independent multimedia journalist and co-founder of Four Corners Media.

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光成心通知亚弥说修二和夏实是未婚夫妻关系。Light mean to inform and micah said repair 2 and XiaShi is unmarried couples relationship.

巴里和理查兹从腿伤中复出,全队受到了很大的鼓舞。They are boosted by the return of Gareth Barry and Micah Richards from hamstring injuries.

无邪又纵欲,纯真又弥贵,清丽并让人无比钟爱。No evil and sex, pure, beautiful and expensive and micah lets a person clinking endearment.

他们从那里往以法莲山地去,来到米迦的住宅。And they passed on from there to the hill country of Ephraim, and came to the house of Micah.

第五章弥迦又从不久的将来,跳到预言弥赛亚时代的开始。Once again, Micah jumps from predicting the immediate future to predicting the start of the Messianic age.

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我们有了米卡-理查兹和迈克尔-约翰逊,他们崭露头角,仍然可以成长为曼城的正式队员。Then there's Micah Richards and Michael Johnson who, with a bit of focus, can still grow into City regulars.

曼彻斯特城后卫米卡·理查兹已将目光瞄向了足总杯半决赛,他期待在半决赛中复仇曼彻斯特联。Manchester City defender Micah Richards is targeting revenge over Manchester United in the FA Cup semi-finals.

她继了位,一心想剪除弥迦黑尔之流新英格兰人的势力。She ascended the throne bringing with her a determination to cast aside new england influence like micah hale.