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海的那一边有富饶的印度次大陆。Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India.

基孔肯雅热发生在非洲、亚洲和印度次大陆。Chikungunya occurs in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

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此病发生在非洲、亚洲和印度次大陆。The disease occurs in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

但在印度半岛这个问题尤为突出。But the problem has been particularly acute in the Indian subcontinent.

宝莱坞电影是整个次大陆地区最受欢迎的娱乐形式。Bollywood movies are the most popular form of entertainment across the subcontinent.

这些动物主要生活在中国、印度次大陆及东南亚等地。Most of the species can be found in China, the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.

蜱传斑疹伤寒实际上是非洲和印度次大陆的斑疹热的一种。Tick typhus is actually a form of Spotted fever in Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

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马纳尔湾和保克海峡将其与印度次大陆分开。It is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait.

CII预测说,到2010年,该次大陆的计算机数量将增加到原来的5倍,即7500万台。CII predicts the subcontinent will witness a five-fold rise to 75 million computers by 2010.

阿育吠陀是一门在印度次大陆上流传了数百年的医疗保健体系。Ayurveda is a system of health care that has existed on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years.

纳粹党的十字记号的发现使印度雅利安人入侵南亚次大陆的假说受到了质疑。The discovery of Swastikas have put to question the theory of an Aryan invasion of Indian subcontinent.

巴基斯坦也制定了一个核发展计划,在印度次大陆形成了危险的局面。Pakistan had developed a nuclear program, too, creating a dangerous situation on the Indian subcontinent.

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在古代的南亚次大陆上,盈江和瑞丽都是非常重要的交通枢纽。In ancient times, Yingjiang, like Ruili, was a key crossing point between China and the Indian subcontinent.

印度次大陆连续的地层为该科的演化历史提供了主要的化石依据。Successive deposits of the Indian subcontinent illustrate much of what is known of the history of the family.

印度有着众多的宗教河流,但正是恒河横亘于印度次大陆心脏地带。India has many sacred rivers, but it's the Ganga, or ganges , that lies at the very heart of the subcontinent.

中国也不希望再次陷入到南亚次大陆的安全紧张关系中,干扰到正在回暖的中印关系。It also does not want to upset warming relations with India by getting mired in subcontinent security tension.

无论从地理还是政治意义上看,这些山脉形成了印度半岛北端的边界。These mountains form a geographic and political boundary along the northern border of the Indian subcontinent.

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整个南亚次大陆佛教流行的原因,是因为冥想是精神练习的主要形式。但为冥想而须作的准备工作己被人忽视。As a result of Buddha's popularity , meditation became the main form of spiritual practice on the entire subcontinent.

阿育吠陀是一门在印度次大陆上流传了数百年的医疗保健体系。Ayurveda namely a system of health attention that has existed above the Indian subcontinent because hundreds of years.

此外,讲述德拉威语的人是否在任何时期和任何历史都遍及整个次大陆还没有证实。Moreover, the presence of Dravidian speakers throughout the whole subcontinent at any time in history is not attested.