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这是很累人的工作。It is very tiring work.

感情是一种很累的事。Love is a tiring thing.

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安迪和露比都是无聊的人。Andy and Ruby were tiring.

他的报告冗长,令人厌倦。He gave a long, tiring report.

这段路又长又累人。It was a long and tiring trip.

这就是我们的社会。This is our society. It is tiring.

亲嘴儿也是很累的…Kissing can be really tiring sometimes.

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当你单任务时,生活会少累一点。Life is less tiring when you single-task.

说到那个蜕皮,相当累人,也相当花时间。Molting was tiring and took a lot of time.

你一定会发现那么长时间会令人厌倦的。You must find such long hours very tiring.

斯泰林从来没有显出一点累的迹象。The stallion had never shown any sign of tiring.

但它也是最累人,难掌握。But it's also the most tiring and dificult to master.

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与这些骗子争论真的很累。Tussling with scam artists online can be quite tiring.

但河水的水流很急,他很快就精疲力尽了。But the current was too strong, and he was tiring fast.

油烟味充斥的小棚里坐满了劳累一天的打工仔。Fume smell filled shed filled with a tiring day laborer.

每天来往于伦敦与布赖顿之间真是累人。It's really tiring commuting from Brighton to London every day.

上下颌牙用丝线结扎法形成局部刺激因素。The local stimulation was caused by tiring silk thread to teeth.

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装配线的工作通常会极端无聊而累人。Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring.

但是如果没有机器的帮忙,剥花生壳是一件非常繁琐累人的工作。But getting them out of their shells is tiring without a machine.

上飞机的时候是北京时间13号,经过了漫长的24时个小时疲惫的过渡后。It was the 13th when i left from china, after 24 tiring long hrs.