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东街。East St.

东海公园。East Ocean Park.

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哪一条是往东的路?Which way is east?

“东夷”是什么?What was "East Yi"?

一直往东走。Straight to the east.

看东方,向桂林!East looks, to Guilin!

我们东奔西忙。We rush east west busy.

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我们的大楼朝东。Our building faces east.

这条路一直朝东。The road heads the east.

轮船继续往东开。The ship continued east.

我开车去东奥斯丁。I drove into East Austin.

这船向正东航行。The ship sailed due east.

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这是东界。And this is the east side.

亚东大帝国!Great Empire of East Asia!

我是东北土包子。I am a North East bumpkin.

任我行说东方不败。Let me say east dont hurt.

寅卯属木,位东方。Mao Yin is wood, bit east.

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东门之池、可以沤菅。The moat at the east gate.

太阳从东方升起。The sun rises in the east.

它的流向是东方。Its afflux was to the east.