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总统似乎是断然地失去了联系。The president seems almost perversely out of touch.

要救你脱离恶道,脱离说乖谬话的人。It will save you from the way of evil, from those who speak perversely.

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像他的许多最棒的歌曲,这首歌滑稽又悲伤,且错乱般地共鸣着。Like many of his greatest songs, it's funny, sad, and perversely relatable.

我是乐天派的人,因为我认为人类并非总是违反常情地力图使自己的生活变差。I am an optimist in that I believe that human beings do not always perversely try to make life worse for themselves.

所有这些构成了一个强大的利益集团,他们反对有意义的改革,或为了自身利益,顽固地在改革上走回头路。All of these formed a powerful interest group against meaningful reform, or to turn reform perversely in their favor.

男人对性的看法,简单得直来直去,确切地说,根本就是虚荣和饥渴的混合体。Men have a perversely simple sexual agenda that can best be described as an overwhelming blend of vanity and urgency.

这两次革命都代表了个人自由的声音,但是它们却最终创造了更加强大的中央集权。The two revolutions talked the language of individual freedom, but they perversely ended up creating greater centralization.

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所以,当你想找到增强我们大脑活力的方法时,你必须首先证明我们目前的确有病,并且需要治疗。So when you want to find ways to enhance our brain activity, you perversely have to show that we are currently sick and need treatment.

毋须置疑,旧金山的环境可持续发展的顾问会每月飞一次华盛顿,去看她的异地恋人。Perversely , we live in a world where the sustainability consultant in San Francisco is willing to fly in an exotic boyfriend every month from Washington, D.

我翻新各种方法以求挫败和毁坏自己,仿佛无止无休,我甚至坚持扮演我并不愿意扮演的角色以毁灭自己。There seemed no end to my inventivenss in finding ways to defeat or undermine myself, even perversely to act out destructive roles that I did not want to perform.

例如,最悲观的评估指出全球温暖化会导致墨西哥湾流的崩溃,盛而带给欧陆一个新的冰河时期。For example, there was the most pessimistic assessment yet of global warming causing collapse of the Gulf Stream which perversely would bring a new ice age to Europe.

而且万维网近乎顽固地抵制品牌打造所需的那种系统化、协同化的专注——那最重要的,或者说至少最赚钱的,媒体的功能。And the Web almost perversely discouraged the kind of systematized, coordinated, focused attention upon which brands are built — the prime, or at least most lucrative, function of media.

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我们想到这个概念是因为很显然“风险价值”模型只有在市场平稳的时候才起作用,但那几乎是无需测量风险的时期!We came up with the idea because it was clear that Value at Risk would only work during rather dull markets, that is, perversely at times when it almost wasn't important to measure risk!

只不过这个过程并没有将动脉壁回复成原来的状态,反而不当地将血管壁改变性质,重新装潢,最终形成了体积更大、更加复杂的动脉斑。Instead of restoring artery walls to their original state, though, the process perversely remodels —changes the character of—the wall, eventually generating a bigger, more complicated plaque.