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贝乐喜欢昂贵的东西。Bel liked expensive things.

可是贝尔正好跑到他和高格之间。But Bel was between him and Gog.

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他在音乐学院学习的是美声唱法。He learned to bel canto in a conservatory.

贝灵汉总督大人在吗?Is the worshipful governor bel lingham within?

办公室主任由倍儿悦曾举嶒担任。Office held by the Bel Wyatt has served as lofty.

她的部队被加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯将军击退。Her forces were repulsed by General Garm Bel Iblis.

扎达克看了看那几个卫兵,又看了看贝尔和高格。Zadak looked at the guards and then at Bel and Gog.

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中国的传统演唱方法和美声有点相似。Chinese singing style is a bit similar to bel canto.

贝尔·伊布利斯对蒙·莫思玛的权力和影响力很警觉。Bel Iblis was wary of Mon Mothma's power and influence.

他被认为是当今最优秀的小说家之一。He is bel ie ved to be one of the best living novelists.

他将留给后任一个什么样的政府呢?What kind of government will bel behind for his successor?

珍妮特给了他一个地址,在贝莱尔,也许金姆会在那里。Janet gave him an address in Bel Air where Kim may have gone.

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结论指出了美声唱法在音乐剧中的发展问题。In conclusion, I indicate the development of Bel canto in musical.

于是,塞娜建议汉·索洛邀请贝尔·伊布利斯回归组织。Sena instead suggested Han Solo invite Bel Iblis back into the fold.

美声唱流行——勇于创新还是不伦不类?。Bel canto in pop singing-Is that innovation, or some useless gimmick?

面罩共鸣被称为美声唱法的精髓和关键。Above-head resonating is called quintessence and key in bel conto singing.

第三,商务英语本科生的学习动机大多数是属于“职业动机”。Third, in the BEL context, most learners seem to be vocationally motivated.

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加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯一直象征着科雷利亚人强烈的独立精神。Garm Bel Iblis has long embodied the spirit of fierce Corellian independence.

在帕尔帕廷巩固他的新秩序时,贝尔·伊布利斯是他最早要清理的目标之一。As Palpatine consolidated his New Order, Bel Iblis was one of his earliest targets.

他打死贝尔之后那些卫兵杀了他,现在高格要毁掉澳大利亚。He killed Bel before the guards shot him,and now Gog is going to destroy Australia.