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就在进入江苏省收费站之前。It is right before tollgate entering Jiangsu Province.

安亭出口。就在进入江苏省收费站之前。Exit Anting. It is right before tollgate entering Jiangsu Province.

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负责运用TG程序于公司的设计控制上。Responsible to follow company design control practices using the Tollgate process.

六年间,谷歌已经成为了网络世界大家默认的交易所和主要的关卡。In the six years since, Google has become the web’s default clearinghouse and principal tollgate.

在公路收费系统中,卡座的寿命直接影响了IC卡的普及使用。In the highway tollgate system, the life of the reader has direct impact on IC card popularization.

⑤在验票口处预留的缓冲区域可根据推算相对应的出口的人流量获得合适的大小和尺寸。The proper size of buffer zone in front of the tollgate can be acquired by predicted the number of passengers.

智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。Ji-yeon, a tollgate ticket girl, is frightened by a mysterious black car, which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight.

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美国国际留学中心的网站展示了居住旅馆和托灵顿的图片,这些宣传图片使李决定来此读书。An American International Student Centers Internet slide show touting the Tollgate Inn and Torrington encouraged Li to enroll, he said.

爆炸摧毁了20米开外的收费关卡,同时将附近3公里的建筑玻璃全部震碎。It ripped through a tollgate about 20 meters away from the explosion site, and shattered all the windows of buildings located within a radius of 3 kilometers.

通过对中小型船闸收费现状的分析,提出了一个通用船闸收费系统的设计,讨论了设计过程中的一些问题。By analyzing the situation about the ship tollgate, this paper presents the design and implement of general tollgate system, discusses some questions in design.