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他看起来像是一个南方人。He looks like a southerner.

如果你们是南方人,你们会支付购买冬衣的额外花销吗?Will you pay extra so your Southerner can buy winter clothes?

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在其他很多国家,也有北方人和南方人。In other many countries, also has the northerner and the southerner.

我们也听不懂你们的口音。请找个南方人给我们喊话吧。We also can't understand your dialect, find a southerner to shout to us.

他喜欢南方,并且自己以为很快就成了南方人。He liked the South, and he soon became, in his own opinion, a Southerner.

我恐怕是唯一为北方佬胜利而高兴的一个南方白人拉。I probably would be the only southerner white dude who am happy for the victory of the Yankees.

他是个南方人,比我们年长一截,足以晓得为什么姓氏问题这么重要。He was a southerner and older than we were by enough years to understand why the name issue mattered.

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里克.斯坦恩斯邀请了我,我想是因为他知道我想参加,而且他们也想多请一位南方人参加。Rick Stearns invited me, I think because he knew I wanted to come and they wanted another southerner.

斯科特是来自维吉尼亚的南方人,他没有怎么卷入政治,也没有多少政敌。Scott was a southerner from Virginia. He had not been involved in politics and had no political enemies.

迪格直接的挖苦对象,是他的通讯军官,一个身子。The immediate target of Digger's raillery was his communications officer, a lean morose-looking southerner.

姑娘,无论你嫁给谁,这都没有关系,只要他跟你情投意合,是上等人,又是个有自尊心的南方人就行。It doesn’t matter who you marry, as long as he thinks like you and is a gentleman and a Southerner and prideful.

叙述者是一位内向、好学的南方人,回忆他与最好的朋友菲尼亚斯之间的关系。The narrator Gene an introverted studious Southerner recalls his relationship with his best friend Phineas known as "Finny" a charismatic gregarious athlete.

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作为一个其家庭于1635年移居到这儿的保守的南方白人,我只能解释说该项政策不只是政治上正确,而且很有意义。As a conservative white Southerner whose family moved here in 1635, I had to explain that this policy was not just politically correct, but that it made sense.

一个不喜面食的“南方人”此刻竟然就一盘乌鱼蛋汤干掉两个大馒头,真爽!A typical southerner like me who is not fond of foods made of flour can eat two big steamed breads with a bowl of Cuttlefish Roe Soup. What a fantastic experience!

对王敦晚年的“不臣之心”“专擅之迹”,江南籍幕佐比北方籍幕佐表现出更大的容忍和顺从。Dealing with Wang Dun′s intention of rebeuion and sign of usurp authority, assistants of Southerner expressed greater tolerance and obedience than the Northerners did.

南部人都知道,他们与豪门显贵的密切关系让他们成为了南部邦联庞大的贵族阶级中的一员。They were related to the This Family and the That Family, which, as every Southerner knew, entitled them to membership in that enormous peerage which largely populated the Confederacy.