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我相信约翰不再是个浪子了。I believe John is not a libertine any more.

从自由不羁到一本正经,这样的转变实在是太彻底了。The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

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我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine.

对柳永的争议,主要是围绕其曾有的“浪子”身份展开的。Controversies over Liu Yong mainly revolve on his once-held status as a "libertine".

我们一开始就有一个鸡尾酒在旅馆酒吧间,放荡儿,它把我弄得神魂颠倒。We started off with a cocktail at the hotel bar, the libertine and it knocked my socks off.

在我们的时代,从最虔诚的信徒,到最放任的自由思想者,假如这个大它者的术语,依旧具有意义的话,每一个人都是一位无神论者。In our time, from the most devout to the most libertine – if this term still has a sense – everyone is an atheist.

这一切便解释了为何贝鲁斯科尼的放荡名声不会是他的政治绊脚石,在美国则不然了。All this explains why Berlusconi’s libertine reputation isn’t a political impediment, as it would be in the United States.

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这个剧本第一次将唐璜这个人物与传说中的故事紧紧地联系在了一起,第一次塑造出了唐璜这个浪荡子的形象。It is Tirso' s play that has put the legend and the figure together, and depicted the image of the libertine for the first time.

当一个放荡的地主看上她时,她开始了一段婚外情,直到这个人在他们私奔前期抛弃了她。When a landowning libertine takes a fancy to her, she begins an affair which ends when he abandons her on the eve of their elopement.

就规范的一面而言,这一理论是一种自由意志论——不要与不受约束的自我主义和现代自由主义相混淆——性的规范理论。On the normative side, the theory is a libertarian—not to be confused with either libertine or modern liberal—theory of sexual regulation.

浪荡子主义的核心在于对维多利亚时期的虚伪道德、商业主义的社会风尚和资产阶级现存秩序的批判和抨击。Libertine is the core doctrine of the Victorian moral hypocrisy, commercialism and the social habits of the existing bourgeois order of the criticizing.

一个作家任性或亵渎的邪恶,比起轻率的浪子或醉酒的强盗还要残暴,不仅仅因为他们能把邪恶扩散到更大的范围内。The wickedness of a loose or profane author is more atrocious than that of the giddy libertine , or drunken ravisher, not only because it extends its effects wider.

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浪荡子通过夸张、出轨的言行来凸现自我,实际与艺术家通过进行新的艺术尝试来塑造自我的愿望不谋而合。Libertine by exaggerated self-derailment of the words to highlight the actual and the artist through the art of a new attempt to shape the aspirations of self coincide.

在中国古代文学史上,千古流芳的忧生之作,往往比较多地表现对生命不自由和生命活力不能张扬的痛苦,表现由此而产生的旷达不羁、慷慨悲凉之情。In Chinese classical literature, imperishable works tend to exhibit the misery caused by the limit in freedom and energy, expressing the libertine and grieving feelings.