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这是一个误解。This is a misconception.

但是,这是一种误解。But this is a misconception.

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那只是一个常见的误解。It is just a common misconception.

而这是所有当中最烂的误解。And this is the worst misconception of all.

后面这一点是一种常见的误解。The latter point is a common misconception.

另一个误解是,阴极偏置。Another misconception is that of cathode biasing.

然而我们必须仔细,以免造成错误想法。We must be careful, however, to avoid misconception.

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关于你的工作,最常见的误解是什么?What is the most common misconception about your work?

你认为对感冒最大的误解是什么呢?What do you think is the biggest misconception about colds?

对于亚斯伯格症的一个误解就是这些人没有幽默感。A misconception is that Aspies do not have a sense of humor.

另一个错误观念是关于正常人每天所需的睡眠时间。Another misconception is the amount of sleep people require.

这一普遍误解的产生得回咎于“失重状态”这个词。Blame the term "zero-gravity" for this common misconception.

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这一普遍误解的产生得归咎于“失重状态”这个词。Blame the term "zero-gravity" for this common misconception.

但大家一直误认为只有大企业才需要EA。But there is a misconception that only big companies need EA.

通常人们会错误的认为所有西伯利亚犬都有蓝色的眼睛。It is a common misconception that all Siberians have blue eyes.

没有软件是免费的,而且散布那种错误想法是有害的。No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful.

不良的抱石确保往往源于对确保的误解。Bad spotting often stems from a misconception of what spotting is.

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第三个误区关乎网上渠道的主要性。A third misconception relates to the importance of online channels.

一个常见的错误观念是把嫉妒和羡慕看作一回事。A popular misconception about jealousy is that it is the same as envy.

“低碳不社交”实在是一种大众误解。It’s quite a common misconception that minimalists live unsocial lives.