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高文爵士是亚瑟王的外甥。Sir Gawain was Arthur’s nephew.

加文和巫婆婚礼是怎么样的?!What a wedding Gawain and the witch had!

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震惊加文的要求发生了什么事情。The astounded Gawain asked what had happened.

加文惊呆了,问发生了什么事。Gawain was astounded and asked what had happened.

高文高兴地同意了协议,并到床上。Gawain happily agrees to the pact, and goes to bed.

加文拒绝,决心迎接他的命运迎头。Gawain refuses, determined to meet his fate head-on.

高文呼吁的那样,与绿骑士出现迎接。Gawain calls out, and the Green Knight emerges to greet him.

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加文的选择就在下面,不过,先不要看,直到你What Gawain chose follows below, but don't read until you've

高尚的加文回答道,他希望让她自己做出选择。Noble Gawain replied that he would let her choose for herself.

高文把她的了,但在此之前,她离开她抢断一吻他。Gawain puts her off, but before she leaves she steals one kiss from him.

夫人再次进入加文的商会,这一次她亲吻高文两次。The lady again enters Gawain's chambers, and this time she kisses Gawain twice.

不久以后,高文爵士便出发寻找绿衣骑士,去接受那许下的一斧。Soon after that, Gawain set off to look for the Green Knight to receive his cut.

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那天晚上,高文给出了两个吻主办,作为交换,野猪的头部。That evening Gawain gives the host the two kisses in exchange for the boar's head.

加文的选择就在下面,不过,先不要看,直到你做出自己的选择。What Gawain chose follows below, but don't read until you've made your own choice.

高文及嘉绿士都希望他们两人能够不再斐长流短,同时也表明不会帮助他们。Gawain , Gareth, and others ask them to say no more and expect no support from them.

经过绿骑士叶片,该公司可追溯到其节,但加文是不安。After the Green Knight leaves, the company goes back to its festival, but Gawain is uneasy.

激怒了,高文喊声,他们的合同已经得到满足,但绿骑士只是笑。Angered, Gawain shouts that their contract has been met, but the Green Knight merely laughs.

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大厅回响的声音,笑声,所有的公司,则是考虑到与高文。The hall resounded to the sound of laughter, for all the company were of a mind with Gawain.

高文爵士是亚瑟王的外甥。在英国传说里,他一般被描绘成一个勇敢、忠实可靠的骑士。Sir Gawain was Arthur's nephew. In English stories, he is always described as a brave, honest and loyal knight.

主城堡高文表示热烈欢迎,介绍了他和他夫人的老妪谁坐在她身旁。The lord of the castle welcomes Gawain warmly, introducing him to his lady and to the old woman who sits beside her.