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在墨西哥接受电台现场采访。Live interview at Monterrey in Mexico.

争夺蒙特雷的战斗持续了三天,墨西哥军队投降了。The battle for Monterrey lasted three days. The Mexicans surrendered.

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在帮助墨西哥俱乐部蒙特雷队夺得国内联赛冠军之后,如今他被租借到西甲球会萨拉戈萨队。Currently on loan at Real Zaragoza after helping Monterrey win the title in Mexico.

Monterrey的厂房将专注于电器方面的生产,而LG打算增加微波炉及瓦斯炉的生产线.The Monterrey plant will focus on appliances and LG plans to add microwave and gas ovens to its product lines.

卡车挂着蒙特利牌照,那司机充满好奇地注视着我们,使我感觉很过分。The truck had Monterrey license plates and the driver stared at us with a curiosity that struck me as excessive.

墨西哥警方表示,周六,毒品卡特尔封锁了蒙特瑞至少13条主要道路。Police in Mexico say members of drug cartels blocked off at least 13 major roads in the city of Monterrey on Saturday.

纳齐奥斯表示,美国提供的官方发展援助已超出布什总统在蒙特雷做出的承诺。Natsios said that the United States has increased official development assistance beyond the pledge President Bush made in Monterrey.

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同年9月他占领了蒙特雷,1847年2月在布埃纳维斯战役中击败圣塔·安那后结束了墨西哥北部的战斗。He captured Monterrey in September, and his victory over Santa Anna at Buena Vista in February 1847 ended fighting in northern Mexico.

莫特雷城北部一直是多事之地,昨日下午,这里的一家赌场燃起了大火,相关官员称有40人丧生其中。CASINO in the troubled northern city of Monterrey was set alight yesterday afternoon, in an attack that officials say killed 40 people.

位于蒙特雷附近这个小城的警方经常遭到袭击,部分是与全国性大规模打击贩毒犯罪的运动有关。Monterrey is located near the small town police are often attacked, some with large-scale national campaign for combating drug trafficking crime.

随着墨西哥政府打击毒品犯罪力度的增强,蒙特雷市成为打击毒品犯罪的一个重点地区。近几个月,该市暴力犯罪事件呈上升趋势。After the incident, the military announced that another Mexican city of Monterrey to deploy 1,500 soldiers to strengthen regional security forces.

随着墨西哥政府打击毒品犯罪力度的增强,蒙特雷市成为打击毒品犯罪的一个重点地区。With the Mexican government to combat drug crime and increase the strength, the city of Monterrey in the fight against drug crime a priority area.

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如果发达国家和发展中国家按照它们在2002年议定的蒙特雷共识尽自己的努力的话,大多数国家仍然可以实现大多数千年发展目标。Most countries could still achieve most of the MDGs if developed and developing countries do their parts as agreed to in the 2002 Monterrey Consensus.

墨西哥东部的一城市,位于格兰德河畔蒙特雷东北偏东。它是一个农业地区的加工和航运中心。人口94,'93。A city of eastern Mexico on the Rio Grande east-northeast of Monterrey. It is a processing and shipping center in an agricultural region. Population, 94, '93.

萨尔提略墨西哥东北部一城市,位于蒙特雷西南,1575年建立,墨西哥战争时被扎迦礼·泰勒的军队占领。人口284,937。A city of northeast Mexico southwest of Monterrey. It was founded in1575 and occupied by Zachary Taylor's forces during the Mexican War. Population, 284, 937.

墨西哥官员称,他们正在调查北部城市蒙特瑞涉嫌与犯罪团伙有关的100多名警察。Officials in Mexico say they are investigating more than 100 police officers in the northern city of Monterrey suspected of having links with organised crime.

移民及海关执法局发表声明,说这两个人星期二下午在“执行任务”时遭到枪击,当时他们驾车行驶在墨西哥城和北部工业城市蒙特雷之间的路上。ICE issued statements saying the two were shot "in the line of duty" Tuesday afternoon while driving between Mexico City and the northern industrial city of Monterrey.

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但现代经典,墨西哥蒙特雷是一个五星级住宿,美食难忘的豪华酒店,并在墨西哥事件和目的地婚礼空间。Modern yet classic, Quinta Real Monterrey is an unforgettable luxury hotel with five-star accommodations, fine dining, and ample space for events and destination weddings in Mexico.

NH系列蒙特雷位于蒙特雷圣佩德罗加尔萨加西亚的有影响力的商业区的中心,墨西哥。蒙特雷国际机场21英里远。NH Collection Monterrey is situated in the epicenter of the influential business district of San Pedro Garza Garcia in Monterrey, Mexico. Monterrey International Airport is 21 mi away.

蒙特雷市所属的新莱昂州州长梅迪纳在星期五的记者会上,播放了赌场保安摄像机星期四拍到的枪手抵达现场的画面。In a news conference Friday, Rodrigo Medina, the governor of the state of Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is located, showed video from security cameras of the gunmen arriving at the casino Thursday.