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现在让我们召唤我们的灵魂、超灵和源头。Let us call now upon our soul, oversoul and source.

灵魂和超灵,管理着DNA的改变和能量场的重铸。Soul and oversoul manage the changing DNA and recasting of one's field.

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现在,让我们邀请我们的灵魂、超灵和源头更完全地扩展进入我们的灵魂心口。Now let us ask our soul, oversoul and source to extend more fully into our soul cavity.

你的超灵在等待那一刻,在更高的振动你完全可以与你团聚。Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.

这也是在夜晚入睡时完成的,只要你保持和超灵的连接。This too is done in the night and while asleep and as long as one remains connected to one's oversoul.

在一个不根植的状态中,你就不可能从灵魂、超灵和源头来整合新信息。In an ungrounded state, it is impossible to integrate new information from one's soul, oversoul and source.

当矿物王国和你自己的灵魂、超灵及源头之间有着有意识的协议时,这能被做。This is done as a conscious agreement between the mineral kingdoms and one's own soul, oversoul and source.

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我们召唤你回归到你们超灵所在的地方,在那里,你们同意来到这个身体。We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides, from whence you agreed to come into this body.

因此我们已经同意来帮助提升人类重新连接你的超灵,如果这么请求的话。We have agreed as a result as a kingdom to help ascending humans reconnect with your oversoul if requested.

现在,让我们静静地坐着,调谐向我们的灵魂、超灵和源头,以及地球母亲和自然界王国。Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul oversoul and source along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms.

和你超灵相关的天使们,然后就用新的基因信息重铸以太体的晶格层。The angels associated with one's oversoul then recast the grid work of the etheric body with the new genetic information.

爱默生否定上帝,肯定人的神性,强调人的直觉意识,认为它与宇宙中的超灵是一体的。Emerson denies God, affirms the pinity of man and stresses that humans intuition is an integral part of the "oversoul" permeating the universe.

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爱默生否定上帝,肯定人的神性,强调人的直觉意识,认为它与宇宙中的超灵是一体的。Emerson denies God, affirms the divinity of man and stresses that humans intuition is an integral part of the "oversoul" permeating the universe.

超灵有一个位于你光体上方的实相层,监管着将遗传恢复到水晶生物体中。The oversoul has a plane of reality that sits just above one's dream time light body and oversees the genetic restoration unto the crystalline biology.

光身体还会为来自一个人灵魂、超灵和源头的信息搭建通向物理载具和形体意识的桥梁。It is also the light body that acts as a bridge for information from one's soul, oversoul and source to the physical vessel and consciousness of the form.

实际上他们是无灵魂的,这样,就没有我是、源头、超灵或万有之源来临以提供所需的生命力。They are indeed soulless, and as such, there is no presence of I Am, Source, Oversoul or God Goddess All That Is to provide them with the life-force that they need.

让我们将头顶处的皇冠脉轮及头顶向上连接到我是、超灵及源头的所有脉轮合成为一条完整的彩虹音调,没有起始也没有尽头。Let us synthesize the crown chakra, and all chakras above the head leading to one's I AM, Oversoul and Source into a complete rainbow of tones , without beginning and without end.

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当你调用“我意愿如此如此”的时候,你指导与你生命之舞相关的非物质灵魂、超灵和源头来采取行动,显化被制造的或意想吐露的请求。When one invokes "I intend such and such", one directs the nonphysical soul, oversoul and source associated with one's life dance to take action to manifest the request made or intention voiced.