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如果你一意孤行,那可能弊多利少。If you act willfully , it may do more harm than good.

和一些科技术语一样,这个词是故意拼错的。And like many techy terms, it is willfully misspelled.

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忍性的强化,需有人蓄意的伤害。To develop patience, you need someone who willfully hurts.

对此,老公常常指责我无理取闹。To this, husband often censures my willfully make a trouble.

立体派是难以理解的,蓄意地暧昧不明的,也尚未通俗的。Cubism was hard to read, willfully ambiguous, and yet demotic too.

他们在过往的荣光中肆意打滚。而后渐趋灼热。They had willfully wallowing in the glory. And then gradually heartburn.

被告微软被证实蓄意侵犯“449号专利”Defendant Microsoft is found to have infringed the ‘449 patent willfully.

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处理能源问题不能任意诉诸武力。Less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues.

无视,压制或者一味的拒绝新的知识。Willfully not knowing. Ignoring, repressing, or generally refusing to acknowledge.

老穆因为科莱特的故弄玄虚让自己一头雾水,所以站在那里故意犯坏。Muras because Klaette the trick yourself confused, so Stood committed willfully bad.

因为如果我们认识真理之后,还故意犯背信的罪,就再没有另一个赎罪祭了。If we sin willfully after receiving knowledge of the truth, there is no longer sacrifice for sin.

蓄意公开或者传播机密信息将违反联邦法律。It is against federal law to knowingly and willfully disclose or transmit classified information.

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别来个命运之神,故意曲解我,只成全我愿望的一半,把我卷了走。May no fate willfully misunderstand me And half grant what I wish and snatch me away not to return.

现在是你重新找回自己的中心,把你故意放弃的能量找回来的时候了。Now is the time to find your center and work on getting some of that energy you willfully gave up back.

二月份,我们遇到了一匹被蓄意抛弃的小马,才四个月大,却已经瘫痪了。We had one in February of a willfully neglected horse that was only four months old, but had collapsed.

联邦税收法典第7201节规定了故意企图偷逃税收或缴纳任何税收为一项重罪。Section 7201 makes it a felony willfully to attempt to evade or defeat any tax or the payment of any tax.

MySpace几乎是故意排斥年纪较长的人、智商比较高的人、以及更接近社会主流的人加入该网站。MySpace has almost willfully discouraged older people, smarter people, and more mainstream people from joining.

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我们一向主张,反对恐怖主义应有确凿证据,不能任意扩大打击范围。We always hold that fighting against terrorism should have compelling evidences and should not willfully expand the scope.

这也许的确是个好主意,因为就像Mashable所指出的,蓄意毁坏法定货币是种联邦犯罪。Which actually might be a good idea, because as Mashable points out, willfully destroying legal tender is a federal crime.

他是六十年代激进党派的后代,现在是律师,对大企业和市政府大加指责,市政府假惺惺地表示赞同。The son of 60's radicals, he's now a lawyer, railing against big business and a city government that willfully plays along.