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当旁观者看着开始鼓掌,马诺留在敬畏。When the bystanders watching begin clapping their hands, Mano is left in awe.

高铭,“计算机组织与结构金榜题库”,鼎茂图书出版。M. Morris Mano , "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall press, Third Edition.

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蒂亚戈-席尔瓦和帕托出现在巴西新主帅马诺-梅内塞斯的首期队伍中。The new coach Mano Menezes has included Milan's Thiago Silva and Pato in his first squad.

然而在银行与债券市场的博弈中,心理可能比钱更重要。Yet in the bank's mano a mano with the bond market, psychology could be more important than money.

在进入公园的路上,他们顺访了位于公园边缘的马诺狩猎巡防站。On their way into the park, they visited the Mano game-scout station at the park’s edge, not far from their camp.

两位脱口秀主持人将聊一聊奥巴马的缺点,共和党人的愤怒而且还有一张给总统开的“斯卡伯勒-马赫尔”式罚单。The two talk-show hosts go mano a mano on Obama's shortcomings, Republican rage, and a Scarborough-Maher presidential ticket.

在三次到访北卢安瓜的行程中,我数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员谈了对马克•欧文斯的印象。On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.

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在三次到访北卢安瓜的行程中,我数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员谈了对马克•欧文斯的印象。On my three trips to North Luangwa, I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.

这个工作在条件之外,祥子为对付事情,没敢争论,一声没响的给挑满了缸。Although this was outside the terms of his contract, in order to keep his job Mano didn't argue but silently filled the water-barrel.

这名中场球员错过了2010年世界杯决赛圈,但他在利物浦的出色状态,使他成为了马努门尼则斯球队的常规壹员。The midfielder was overlooked for the 2010 finals, but his outstanding Liverpool form has established him as a regular in Mano Menezes's squads.

这位红军中场在巴西队新主帅马诺·梅内塞斯帐下被授予了5号战袍,意味着他将延续邓加、吉尔伯托·席尔瓦等球星在桑巴军团的伟大脚步。The Reds midfielder has worn the No. 5 under new coach Mano Menezes, following in the illustrious footsteps of the likes of Dunga and Gilberto Silva.

长远来说,这样的失落使我变成更坚强的人,而现在,在新教练马努门尼则斯麾下踢了最近几场比赛,我非常有自信。In the long term, such a disappointment has made me a stronger person and now, having played the last few games under new coach Mano Menezes, I am very confident.

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当武者必自焚由吸烟者的吸烟刷他的脸,马诺的内容让它路要走,但斋藤的步骤对付该名男子,要求道歉。When Takeru gets burned by a smoker whose cigarette brushes his face, Mano is content to let it go, but Saitou steps in to confront the man, asking for an apology.

渴望与其他母亲的幼儿园,马诺不给她请最好的,并把她的儿子武这样做,即使它使她在与齐藤可能性。Eager to get along with the other mothers at the kindergarten, Mano does her best to please, and pushes her son Takeru to do the same, even if it puts her at odds with Saitou.

华为廿年来,从青纱帐里走出来,一个孤独的“农民”,走在一条曲曲弯弯的田间小路,像当年堂吉诃德一样的封闭,手拿长矛,单打独斗,跌跌撞撞地,走到今天。Huawei 20 years, from the green curtain to walk out, a lonely" farmer", walk along a winding path of the field, like that of Quixote the same closed, spear, mano a mano, stumbling, go to today.