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谁挑动他们干的?Who tarred them on?

我的锚链是不涂焦油的。My anchor's cable is not tarred.

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他们是一路货色,同流合污。They are tarred with the same brush.

柏油路面两边的辅道上布满车辙,凹凸不平。The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.

吉普森的名声被反犹太的爆发而深受谴责。Mel Gibson’s reputation has been tarred by anti-Jewish outbursts.

虽然外面很不一样了,路面铺了柏油,门口停满了车子。Outside, the road was tarred and cars stood in front of the store.

盖特纳也未能幸免于加诸在其他监管者身上的指责.Another brush which has tarred other regulators also tars Geithner.

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也有人认为莫言不过是政府的一颗棋子罢了。Others think that Mo has been tarred unfairly as a government stooge.

地吝啬得可怕,而她的家里的人跟她都是一路货色。She is horribly mean, but all her family are tarred with the same brush.

后来的主要拓展就是加了一层密封的,涂了焦油的表面。The major later development was the addition of a sealed, tarred surface.

在复合大门里,工人们穿着涂球衣,戴着焊接护目镜,旋入螺钉。Inside the gated compound, workers in tarred jerseys and goggles weld and drive screws.

其中某些外部防水层也可由铜皮、油毡或钢板制成。The waterproof skin on the outside of some of them may also BE of copper sheet, tarred felt or steel.

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我们没有邮局,只有一条柏油路,但是这并不会困扰我们,因为我们连车也没有。We also have no post office, and only one tarred street, but that doesn't bother us, because we also have no cars.

我们的代表大会取得了成功,多尔因为与金里奇和使政府歇业有牵连而遭到严厉批评。Our convention had been a success, and Dole was tarred by his association with Gingrich and the government shutdown.

到了这个叉口处,我们就进入左边的泥路。右边的泊油路则是通往一个原住民乡村。We turned into the left dirt road at this Y-junction. The tarred road on the right is lead to a aborigine's village.

还有4百多人和他有亲戚关系,但他们都在沙乌地阿拉伯,所以才不会有人去污衊他们。There are 400 other people related to him, but they are all in Saudi Arabia, so nobody's going to get tarred with it.

诫条用巨大的字体写在涂了黑焦油的墙上,字是白色的,三十码外也可以看到。The commandments were written on the tarred wall in great white letters that could be read thirty yards away. They ran thus

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1832年,一名歹徒在史密斯身上涂满焦油,并且裹以羽毛,导致美国基督徒与摩门教徒陷入旷日持久的争斗中。In 1832, a mob tarred and feathered him, marking the beginning of a long battle between Christian America and Smith’s Mormonism.

他告诉美国人他很认真地在思考,这种做法较好,也不会招致媒体的苛责。It would just be better if he could tell the American people that he was thinking this way and not be tarred and feathered by the press.

侧壁覆盖着45毫米的柏油板材,就像一件“雨衣”,这样就可以只使用几乎没有悬挂物的短屋檐。The side walls are clad in tarred 45 mm planking which acts like a "raincoat" and allows the use of a short eaves with almost no overhang.