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疾病并未妨碍他实现计划。The disease do not prevent him from effectuate his plan.

他们接着走上街头抗议并冒着生命危险实现了变革。they then took to the streets and risked life and limb to effectuate change.

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地理条件也有利于自然引水、输水、供水。Favorable geography and topography conditions effectuate water conveying by gravity.

他会把能够实现他的想法的人都吸收进他的政府中。He's going to put together an administration of people who can effectuate his vision.

规定的第一项服务是提供所有执行美国和中国之间转帐业务的软件。The first service is the provision of all proprietary software needed to effectuate fund transfers between the U. S. and China.

本文介绍了光强、光质和光周期三个因子对一品红生长的影响。Light strong, light quality and light cycle are presented in this pape, which three factors effectuate the growth of poinsettia.

合同法旨在通过保护当事人在合同中的意思表示来保证当事人在公平的交易中获得各自的期待利益。The Contract Law aims to realize contracting parties' expectation interests by effectuate the parties' intentions in the contract.

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在可编辑的文本框里将文件重命名为“blog.html”并且点击回车以完成重命名。That will change the name label into an editable textbox. Rename the file to "blog.html" and hit Enter to effectuate the name change.

第一项服务是完成从美国到中国的资金转账的所有软件。The first service is the provision of all proprietary software needed to effectuate fund transfers between the United States and China.

具体办法由国务院经济贸易行政主管部门制定。The relevant departments for economic and trade under the State Council shall formulate concrete methodologies to effectuate these objectives.

相信用该资金来实现下一年的商业计划是远远不够的。We believe that such funds will not be sufficient to effectuate our plans with respect to the business of Qianbao over the next twelve months.

“前胚胎移植”指完成前胚胎移植到子宫腔所必需的所有医学的实验室流程。"Pre-embryo transfer" means all medical and laboratory procedures that are necessary to effectuate the transfer of a pre-embryo into the uterine cavity.

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此条款也提出限制,被用于任何实施招待中国官方访问者参观的属于或被美国航空局使用的设施上。It also applies the limitation "to any funds used to effectuate the hosting of official Chinese visitors at facilities belonging to or utilized" by NASA.

半个世纪以来,国会越来越多地运用联邦行政机构,由它们管理联邦法律、颁布履行立法政策的行政法规。Increased congressional use of federal executive agencies to administer federal statutes and to promulgate regulations which effectuate legislative policies.

网关处理的授权,并传递到哪个然后解析和POS系统中的一个餐厅以实践的信用卡交易处理的认证码。Gateway processes the authorization and passes back auth codes which are then parsed and handled in the POS system to effectuate a restaurant credit card transaction.

长达2300页的“多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案”中的大部分必然需要通过金融监管机构的职权来实现。Much that the 2300 page long "Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" ordains is within the existing powers of the financial regulatory agencies to effectuate.

长达2300页的“多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案”中的大部分必然需要通过金融监管机构的职权来实现。Much that the 2300 page long “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” ordains is within the existing powers of the financial regulatory agencies to effectuate.

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类似地,购书应用程序将把数据再转换为仓库提货请求、运输标签和跟踪编号等完成销售所需的信息。Similarly, the shopping application remakes the data into a pick request for the warehouse and a shipping label and tracking number — information required to effectuate the sale.

第一方必须按另一方的请求签署所有的法律文书或使其生效,并履行一切合法行动完成该转让。Said first party, on the other party's request, shall sign or cause to be executed all lawful documents and perform all lawful acts to effectuate fully such assignments to the other party.