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笑出白色的牙齿!Whiten that smile!

什么茶可以美白?What tea can whiten?

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我得把我的网球鞋刷白。I must whiten my tennis shoes.

我必须把我的网球鞋刷白。I must whiten my tennis shoes.

据说可以美白牙齿。It is said to whiten your teeth.

怎么让晒黑的皮肤变白呐?How to make suntanned skin whiten?

有什么好方法可以让皮肤变白啊?What good method can make the skin whiten?

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皮肤被太阳晒黑怎么变白?Is the skin suntanned by the sun how whiten?

坚持饭后漱口能使牙齿洁白。Keeping gargling after meals can whiten your teeth.

天让您喝出苗条身材、美白更动人。Days let you drink a slim, whiten and more beautiful.

现在你可以非常容易而快速地在家美白你的牙齿了。Now you can easily and effectively whiten your teeth at home.

及时提升亮白度,更显自然健康光彩。Timely boost luster and whiten skin, highlight the natural luster of skin.

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暮色的残晖正开始把上面的东西变白,下面的东西变黑。The twilight had begun to whiten what was on high and to blacken all below.

如果染色比较深了想洁白,就和你的牙医谈谈吧。To whiten teeth that are stained at a deeper level, talk with your dentist.

你会觉得自己在竞争中提高了一个档次。You'll feel like you got a jump on the competition. Then whiten your teeth.

同时润白眼部皮肤,淡化黑眼圈。Besides, it can also whiten the skin around eyes, smooth away dark eye circles.

长期使用本品可淡斑美白,令肌肤细腻润滑,充满活力。Long-term use could whiten skin and lighten specks , make skin fine, smooth and active.

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你也可以用过碳酸钠,但我宁愿用晾衣绳使它们自然亮白。You can use Oxyclean on them, too, but I prefer the clothesline to whiten them naturally.

漂白你的牙齿,这个非常值得去做的,因为今后你再也不会玷污它们了。Whiten your teeth, now it is worth it to do because you are not going to stain them anymore.

香蕉是黄色,它竟能美白黄诟的牙齿。Bananas are yellow, but surprisingly enough, they can help whiten your stained yellowish teeth.