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这段话比较晦涩,但是很明智。Ugly, but sensible.

它们不合情理。They are not sensible.

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我觉得这是明智的想法。It's a sensible idea.I think.

他做得很识相。That is very sensible of him.

甜,小,懂事的孩子!Sweet, little, sensible child!

因为理性和理智的人热爱道理。for rational and sensible menlove reason.

但是,或许可以定义一个合理的规则。But maybe a sensible rule could be defined.

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的确,他对许多事物都通达明理。Indeed he is so sensible about many things.

他们都很节约、勤奋且做事合情合理。They’re frugal, hard-working, and sensible.

儿子的懂事让贾铃欣慰。Sensible to allow the son of Jia Ling pleased.

阿特贝里的建议现在看来是合理的。Mr Atteberry's advice right now seems sensible.

让我们心平气和地坐下来谈一谈。Let's sit down and have a calm and sensible talk.

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识大体的人是不会在图书馆里出声读书的。No sensible person will read aloud in the library.

童话世界从此多了一个明白人。Since then, more than a fairy tale world sensible.

并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。and also he set down every sensible doubtful point.

司机不知道,有时学聪明点还是相当合算的。He didn't know how lucky he was to be a sensible man.

选择明志是您最明智的选择。Minz is the most sensible choice to fix your computer.

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表面上看,国外投资人的警觉更敏感。On the surface, foreign war in ess seems more sensible.

我们中国人的弱点是太懂得明哲保身了。The trouble with us Chinese is that we are too sensible.

小麦为有机污染的最敏感指示植物。Wheat was found to be the most sensible indicative plant.