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诈病患者瞳孔大小及对光反应检查不满意。The check of pupillary size and light reaction are not satisfied in cheat patients.

检查可发现红光反射减弱,且可能出现瞳孔传入障碍。Examination reveals a decreased red reflex and possibly an afferent pupillary defect.

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刺激一侧视网膜可引起双眼的瞳孔收缩。Thus stimulation of one retina will normally invoke pupillary constriction in both eyes.

完全性动眼神经麻痹者无瞳孔改变。Among the patients with complete oculomotor nerve paralysis, no pupillary change appeared.

目的探讨先天性较大范围永存瞳孔膜的手术治疗。Objective To study surgical treatment of large-scale congenital persistent pupillary membrane.

结论较大范围的先天性瞳孔残膜可应用显微手术治疗。Conclusion Large-scale congenital persistent pupillary membrane can be treated by microsurgery.

瞳孔反应由敏捷到迟钝的改变显示颅内压正在增高。Change from a brisk to a sluggish pupillary response indicates increasing intracranial pressure.

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动眼神经也负责眼球的转动和提升上眼睑。The oculomotor nerve is also responsible for pupillary constriction and raising the upper eyelid.

结果35眼前囊膜瞳孔区保持光滑透明、视力接近预期矫正视力。Result Corrected vision of 35 eyes reached expectation, with clear pupillary zone in anterior capsule.

预后不良有力的预测试验包括瞳孔反射或角膜反射消失。Tests that are strong predictors of poor outcome include absent pupillary reflexes or corneal reflexes.

主要术后并发症是角膜内皮水肿、葡萄膜反应、后发障及瞳孔夹持。The major complication was corneal endothelial edema, iritis, posterior capsule opacity and pupillary capture.

目的研究继发性瞳孔阻滞性青光眼超声生物显微镜的影像特征。Objective To study the imaging characteristics of ultrasound biomicroscopy of secondary pupillary block glaucoma.

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摄影验光是一种根据一定距离拍摄的眼瞳图像快速确定屈光误差的测量方法。Photorefraction is a method which can fast determine the refractive error by capturing a frame of pupillary image remotely.

偏心摄影验光法是一种根据一定距离上拍摄的眼瞳图像测量人眼屈光状态的方法。Eccentric photorefraction is a method of measuring the refractive state of human eye by capturing a frame of pupillary image remotely.

检查瞳孔对光反射要通过对每个瞳孔轮流照射光线。检查直接对光反射和间接对光反射。Test the pupillary reaction to light by shining a light on each pupil in turn. Observe for the direct reaction and the consentual reaction.

结论急性创伤性颅内血肿的预后与病人年龄、GCS评分、血肿大小及类型、瞳孔改变等相关。Conclusion Acute traumatic intracranial hematoma must be have relation with age, GCS scores, size and type of hematoma and pupillary change.

其它眼部检查,包括其它眼部运动、视力、视野、瞳孔及眼底镜检查,均正常。The rest of the eye examination, including extraocular movements, visual acuity, visual field, pupillary evaluation, and funduscopy, was normal.

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藉著病史、视力检查、相对的瞳孔传入性障碍,眼底镜检查及亲野检查,可以提供我们早期诊断颅内肿瘤的依据。We could make an early diagnosis of intracranial tumor by patient's visual acuity, pupillary reaction, Fundoscope and visual field examinations.

目的探讨瞳孔夹持合并后发性白内障的护理措施,以达到巩固治疗、促进康复的目的。Objective To investigate the nursing of pupillary capture combined with secondary cataract in order to consolidate therapy and promote rehabilitation.

双侧瞳孔不等大,左侧瞳孔不规则,对光反射消失。全身见大小不等、上覆鳞屑的红斑。Physical examination revealed that the pupil size of both eyes was not equal, the left pupil was not round, and pupillary reaction to light was absent.