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狡猾的狐狸急中生智,装出一副神圣不可侵犯的样子。The fox was very quick-witted and pretended to be sacrosanct.

菲利普·格拉斯不屑于创立不变的、神圣的原始文本。Philip Glass is ignorant of establishing an immutable, sacrosanct urtext.

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与工资不同,养老金承诺被荒唐地认为具有永久性并且神圣不可侵犯。Unlike wages, pension promises have been deemed, weirdly, to be permanent and sacrosanct.

你可能会说,家庭一直都是神圣不可侵犯的,它能保护个体不受政府的侵入。You might argue that families have always been sacrosanct and protected from government intrusion.

禁令的支持者则认为在投票中体现的人民意志是神圣的。Ban proponents countered that the will of the people as expressed by the vote is sacrosanct in the state.

法国政府与工会的谈判目前取得了一些进展,最近取消了每周35小时工作制。Mr. Sarkozy has made some headway with unions, recently chipping away at the sacrosanct 35-hour workweek.

该保险推销员一语双关入侵神圣的隐私办事处的公司总裁。The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.

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对一些认为神圣或不可侵犯之物的不敬的或亵渎的行为、态度或表达语源。An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

他直到今年才看到了燃烧的双塔,而我也为竭尽全力保护了他神圣不可侵犯的生活而宽慰。He never saw the burning towers until this year, and I was relieved that I mostly managed to keep his life sacrosanct.

要全心投入,告诉尽可能多的人你的目标和你的计划时间是不可牺牲的。Be fully committed. Tell as many people as possible about your goal, and the scheduled block of time that is sacrosanct.

家人之间的关系神圣不可侵犯,即使有着仇深似海的家族世仇,亲属之间的关爱最终还是不会改变。Family ties are sacrosanct and , even in the midst of a bitter family feud , kin will ultimately always look out for kin.

科技和样式日新月异,然而,尽管辨认时间的手段很多,但我们大多数人还是将手腕上一个神圣的地方留给了手表。Styles and technologies change, but whatever we use to tell time, most people consider the wrist a sacrosanct spot reserved for a timepiece.

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欧债危机旷日持久,但欧元区的完整性一直被核心成员国视为神圣不可侵犯。The integrity of the eurozone has been considered sacrosanct by its core members throughout the long running European sovereign debt crisis.

但是,这次的经济衰退却是不同的-而且随着它的加深,一些家庭纷纷开始设法削减一度被视为神圣不可侵犯的殡葬费用。But this recession is proving different—and as it deepens, families are beginning to seek ways to cut bills that were once seen as sacrosanct.

实际上,因为我要,一遍又一遍的用到这个公式,我会把它放在这里,以强调其会被不断使用的神圣地位。And, in fact, since we're going to reuse this again and again during today's lecture, I'm going to put it over here and leave it sacrosanct for our further use.

信息自由化已融入了谷歌的血脉当中,因此谷歌最终选择捍卫信息自由化的神圣不可侵犯,彻底断了先前因商业利益而寻求通过协商解决的念头。Freedom of information is so central to Google’s identity that it was right to declare it sacrosanct and repudiate its previous willingness to negotiate it away for commercial advantage.