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它当然是一个分号。So it's definitely the semicolon.

使用分号来分开各个模式。Use a semicolon to separate each mode.

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但是其后的分号是足够的。But a semicolon thereafter is sufficient.

每个部分用冒号隔开。The semicolon separates each of the parts.

其中的分号只是用来间隔两条语句。The semicolon just separates this from the rest.

一个以哈希符号开头,另一个以分号开头。One begins with a hash, the other begins with a semicolon.

链接器忽略从分号到行尾的所有文本。The linker ignores all text from the semicolon to the end of the line.

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如果想使用多个属性,可以用分号隔开它们。If you want to use multiple attributes, separate them with a semicolon.

但是你们推测,这个分号有什么影响?But what does the -- what is the effect of that semicolon would you conjecture?

这很容易隐藏一些错误,特别是误加分号的错误。This can mask some errors, particularly in the presence of semicolon insertion.

我需要这里的地址,这样我才能寄一张谢卡给你。Please separate each address by a semicolon. You can only send this e-card once.

在每个例子中,有我们有一个分号来指明,那是我们的初始化。In every example thus far we've had a semicolon saying that's our initialization.

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使用大括号括住记录表达式,并使用分号作为分隔符。Use braces to enclose the record expression and use the semicolon as a delimiter.

大于号和小于号内的每个子元素由分号分隔。Each subelement within the less-than and greater-than characters is separated with a semicolon.

“输出”窗口中的错误消息和状态栏区域指示右大括号前缺少一个分号。Output window and status bar area indicates there is a missing semicolon before the closing brace.

增加了这个简单的连词“and”,意味着你必须把分号换成一个逗号。Adding that single word, the conjunction "and," means that you must change that semicolon into a comma.

要牢记这条语句可以是单条语句或者是嵌在大括号中的语句块。Remember that the statement can be a single statement ending with a semicolon or a block enclosed in braces.

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配置文件内容方面的大多数问题都是由于缺失分号或大括号而引起的。Most problems with the content of the configuration file are introduced when a semicolon or brace is missing.

如果该值同时包含分号和双引号字符,则该值可以用单引号括起来。If the value contains both a semicolon and a double-quote character, the value can be enclosed in single quotes.

在运算符后换行可以减少因为复制粘贴产生的错误被分号掩盖的几率。A break after an operator decreases the likelihood that a copy-paste error will be masked by semicolon insertion.