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认真检查安全积载。Check careful and safe stowage.

同意装卸方的积载图。Agree stowage plan with stevedores.

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破碎的垫舱料之间填小的垫舱料。Fill up broken stowage with small stowage.

我拿到了装货清单和配载图。I've got the loading list and the stowage plan.

你说的“积载因数”这个术语是什么意思?What do you mean by the term of Stowage Factor?

我建议你们从里向外堆放。I suggest you commence the stowage from the inside out.

货不足,因此无法达到您的配载要求。Cargo is not enough ,so we can not meet your stowage plan.

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到此为止,配载方案的优化模型也建立完毕。So far, the optimum model of stowage has been established.

我需要稳性资料和装载计划白勺复印件。I need the copies of stability information and stowage plan.

存放电池驱动移动辅助装置应该遵循哪些程序?。What procedures apply to stowage of battery-powered mobility aids?

配载计划员正在编制装船积载图,请稍等片刻。The stowage planner is compiling the loading plan. Please wait a moment.

并且牺牲了运输能力以换取弹药存放空间。Transport capacity was entirely sacrificed for ammunition stowage space.

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请告诉装卸工人要依照配载图装货。Please tell the dockers to stow the cargoes according to the stowage plan.

毛巾架、置物板配置齐全,悬挂、搁置收纳效果极好。Towel rack, stowage plate with complete, suspension, shelve receive effect extremely good.

你把吊杆降低一点好吗?这样便于前部货物的积载。Will you lower the boom a little bit? This will facilitate the stowage of fore part cargo.

德国签证在北京提供代签服务,对于曾经有过德国申根签证的人来说很方便。German visa in Beijing provide stowage services for had German schengen visa is very convenient.

主要的火炮和内部的弹药仓库被火焰喷射器和燃料取代。The main gun and internal ammunition stowage were replaced with the flame-thrower and fuel tanks.

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在这种情况下,必须将卸下的零件存放在手提行李存放区。In this case, you must stow the removed components in areas provided for stowage of carry-on luggage.

预备导轨的高度各不相同,以便集装箱的装载。Alternate entry guides to be arranged at different heights in order to facilitate stowage of containers.

SBIR将介绍到的自动化区域包括废弃,排序,浸泡,洗涤,烘干和装载。The SBIR will address automating areas such as scrapping , sorting, soaking, washing, drying and stowage.