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什么是一些满意度和压力,一个博士后你觉得呢?What are some of the satisfactions and pressures you feel as a postdoc here?

一起发明设计的,听到这个名字有人。He had actually developed this detector with a postdoc by the name of Hans Geiger.

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博士后数量的增加也使得想要获得一个学院岗位变得困难。The rise of the postdoc has created another o tacle on the way to an academic post.

“我很清楚它在哪里发生,”来自哥伦比亚卡利市的阿隆索·里卡多说。“I know exactly where it will happen, ” said postdoc Alonso Ricardo, from Cali, Colombia.

拿到博士后的容易程度是与能拿到钱的多少相关的。The ease of getting a postdoc is correlated with the amount of independent research monies available.

1970年代,奎德在美国加州理工学院从事博士后研究时,就开始钻研数位储存技术。Kryder began exploring digital storage in the 1970s as a postdoc at the California Institute of Technology.

本科毕业后,我在加州大学伯克利分校又待了8年,读完了研究生,做完了博士后,然后去贝尔实验室待了9年。After college, I spent eight years as a graduate student and postdoc at Berkeley, and then nine years at Bell Labs.

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然而一年以后的市场都是很难预计的,因此有一做三年的博士后是比较好的。Since the job market even a year out is unpredictable, having at least the option of a three-year postdoc fellowship is desirable.

我们现在正处在另一个现实里的一个巨大的烧杯中,在一个尘土飞扬的架子上,而我们的造物主则在寻找一个博士后的职位并且在寻找他未来的妻子。We’re now sitting on some immense beaker on some dusty shelf in another reality, as our Creator goes in search of a postdoc and a future wife.

通常,我们会发现,我们没有那么彼此不同,但通常是不同的,足以避免集体“通用NCAR的博士后”标签。Typically, we'd find out that we weren't so different from one another, but usually different enough to avoid collective "Generic NCAR Postdoc" labeling.

这些大学“雇员”一被录用就开始攒“退休”基金了,然而作为博士后的她,就算已经为所在的大学工作了好几年也没有这样的福利。These university "employees" had retirement benefits from the start, but as a postdoc she did not, even after several years of working at her institution.

当涉及到人的管理时,实验室技术和博士后部下将期待着实验室的主导——新的初级教师来为实验室设立标准。When it comes to managing people, lab tech and postdoc underlings are going to look to the leader of the lab, i.e., the new junior faculty member, to set the standard for that lab.

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在德国慕尼黑的马克思普朗克行为生理学研究所她做了两年博士后,她开始在其丈夫以教授供职的华盛顿州立大学进行研究工作。She spent two years as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Munich, Germany, then carried out research at Washington State University where her husband was a professor.

很多独立的研究人员都继续着他们在博士后的课题但他们成为助理教授甚至是进入了工业界之后。Many independent researchers continue the research they started during their postdoc well into their first years as assistant professors, and they may continue the same line of work in industry, too.

停下他的实验了,也许他是可以,但我说过,他还有个博士后,此外他还有个本科生,或者可以说是,和他一起工作,他的名字叫。So, you might think that he would stop his experiments here, and maybe he would have, but as I mentioned, he did have Geiger a postdoc working with him by the name of Geiger. He also had an undergraduate, UROP we could say maybe even a UROP working with him, and this was by the name of Marsden Marsden was the name of this UROP.