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它代表坚定不移,勇气及希望。It is steadfastness and courage and hope.

一切安稳的根基在于对上帝的奉献。The root of all steadfastness is in consecration to God.

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由于他的坚定和勇敢,他将是我们永远的英雄。For that steadfastness and courage, he'll always be our hero.

舒恬然和舒新也同样注重这次验收。Shu shu steadfastness and new also pay attention to the acceptance.

不过,关于演化理论的书很少讲述稳定的故事。But rare is the book on evolution theory that tells the story of steadfastness.

把握原则的坚定性与策略的灵活性的统一。Unity of the flexibility of steadfastness and tactics of adhering to principles.

现在他的凝视中有一种不礼貌的直率,一种锐利、断然的坚定。There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now.

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舒新呆呆地坐在客厅出神,舒恬然走了出来,坐到儿子对面。New gawk Schwartz, comfortable sitting in the trance steadfastness came out, sit to son opposite.

它的较高理想、它的执着和精神,使所有其它学科比较起来较幼稚、微不足道。Its high ideals, its steadfastness and spirit make all other studies puerile and puny in comparison.

他的对信仰的坚定使他能够祝福自己的战友,伸张正义。His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes.

不过现在,我很诧异地发现,人们经常把我的害羞当成了稳重,把沉默当成了立场坚定。Now, however, I'm amazed at how often people mistake my shyness for strength, my silence for steadfastness.

高尔夫球版圣经则引用了有关坚定和思考的段落对不善挥杆的人提供建议。The Golfer's Bible draws on passages about steadfastness and contemplation to advise duffers on their swings.

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我从心底里赞赏您坚定的继续您祖先的人生态度和目标。I appreciate from the core of my heart your steadfastness in continuing the attitude and aims of your fathers.

其次是应对美国原则的坚定性与策略的灵活性相结合。And than we should interference steadfastness of principle in U. S. A. combine with flexibility of the tactics.

类似的坚定付出了剧痛分裂的代价,但是它在过程矫正之时也付出了过高的代价。Such steadfastness paid crucial dividends, but it also carried a steep price when course correction was needed.

我也要感谢数百万以坚定不移和牺牲战胜了萧条和法西斯主义的男男女女们。And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over depression and fascism.

布什总统还赞赏了利比里亚人民的"勇气、毅力以及对自由威力的坚定信念"。Bush also thanked the Liberian people for their “courage, steadfastness and enduring faith in the power of freedom.”

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此选项可能赢得会帮以色列在国际上赢得一些喝彩,但风险是承认哈马斯反抗和坚持的主张取得了胜利。This option might win Israel some plaudits internationally, but it risks allowing Hamas to claim that its resistance and steadfastness has triumphed.

所以,亲爱的诸位,你们既预先知道了这些事,就应该提防,免得为不法之徒的错谬所诱惑,而由自己的坚固立场跌下来。You therefore, brethren, knowing these things before, take heed, lest being led aside by the error of the unwise, you fall from your own steadfastness.

舒新向父亲求助,舒恬然早就对赵佳美冷处置,再加之她闹得过火,舒恬然懒得去理。New to the father for help, Schwartz of zhao goodly steadfastness early Schwartz, plus she make cold disposal candle, relaxes bother to Richard steadfastness.