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民主社会主义实质就是一种社会改良主义。The democratic is one kind of reformism in essence.

马建忠是天主教徒,也是中国近代史上一个著名的改良主义思想家。Ma Jianzhong is not only a Catholic but also a famous reformism thinker in China's modern history.

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杜威尝试通过民主主义教育构建民主主义社会,却最终发展为社会改良主义。Dewey attempted to set up a democratic society by democratic education but ultimately turned to a society reformism.

但是,佩珀的一系列貌似激进的理论设想在实质上仍然可以说是改良主义的。The paper points out that Pepper's theoretical assumptions , which is radical seemingly, were still reformism in essence.

它引导无产阶级去适合资产阶级的改良主义和不彻底性。This tendency would lead the proletariat to accommodate itself to bourgeois reformism and bourgeois lack of thoroughness.

但是当时的历史观和政治上的改良主义,又决定了他不可能对科学历史做出真正的科学的研究。However he could not engage in scientific study on history because of his ideas on history and his political reformism at that time.

不过,作为一次社会与教育的改革试验,工读互助团又实有为人称道之处。It shows its nature of reformism and utopianism. As a social and educational reform experiment, the team has its own good qualities.

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其法律思想和实践具有从资产阶级改良主义向资产阶级民主共和转变的明显演变轨迹。Wu tingfang's law thought and practice takes on obviously evolutionary orbit from bourgeois reformism to bourgeois democracy and republic.

社会民主主义与民主社会主义是现代改良主义的两种主要形态,而拉斯基的“民主的社会主义”则是二者的过渡性阶段。"Social democracy" and "democrat socialism" are two main forms of modern reformism . Laski's "democrat socialism" is the transitional stage.

王韬是我国早期资产阶级改良主义最著名的报人,也是中国历史上第一个职业报人。Wang Tao is the most famous journalist of our country early phase bourgeoisie reformism , is also a Chinese the first occupation journalist in history.

“第三条道路”是流行于欧美各国的改良主义治国方略,是资本主义政党为了缓和国内经济、社会矛盾而采取的实用主义发展模式。The third way", Which is popular in the West, is a pragmatic form of reformism applied by the bourgeois party to resolve domestic social and economic problems."

梁启超不仅是中国近代资产阶级改良主义的思想家和政治家,而且也是中国近代历史学的创始人。Lian qichao was not only the thinker and the politician of the bourgeois reformism in modern china but also the founder of the modern historical science of china.

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梁启超不仅是中国近代资产阶级改良主义的思想家和政治家,而且也是中国近代历史学的创始人。Lian Qichao was not only the thinker and the politician of the bourgeois reformism in modern China, but also the founder of the modern historical science of China.

它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism, but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears.

他的这些思想主张超脱了以往儒家政治思想的高度,是向晚清改良主义思想过渡的一个中间环节。Zhou's ideological views were detached from the previous political thoughts of Confucian school and the intermediate link of transition to the reformism thought in the late Qing Dynasty.

这一部分详述了意共演变衰落的四个时期,即坚守与创新时期、改良与合作时期、易帜与质变时期和开放与改革时期。This part elaborates the four stages of PCI's evolution, namely sticking and innovation stage, reformism and cooperation stage, changing banner and nature stage, opening and reform stage.

19世纪中期以后英国工人运动的发展一直因其改良主义倾向而受到指责,被认为是工人运动发展的歧路。Since the mid-19th century the development of the B ri tish workers movement has been criticized for its reformism tendency, and has been considered as a wrong way of the workers movement.

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袁宏道的文学革新论与泰州学派的平民儒学交相辉映,构成晚明思想文化史上靓丽的风景线。And Yuans reformism and the grassroots Confucianism represented by Taizhou School both developed in splendor, forming a beautiful scene in the history of late-Ming Dynasty ideology and culture.

在殖民地半殖民地的中国,没有欧洲那样的社会改良主义的经济基础,所以除极少数的工贼之外,整个阶级都是最革命的。Since there is no economic basis for social reformism in colonial and semi-colonial China as there is in Europe, the whole proletariat, with the exception of a few scabs, is most revolutionary.

它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism, but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears. What the Third Path?