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再次回到那次可怕事故。So here's the gruesome accident.

你不得好死,孩子!You deserve a gruesome death, boy!

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有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw?

他给我讲了个令人毛骨悚然的民间故事。The folktale he told to me is gruesome one.

第一种选择太可怕,难以去想象。The first option is too gruesome to contemplate.

这些经历或常为怪诞,乃至于可怕。These experiences are often bizarre and frequently gruesome.

他们的工作使他们暴露在最可怕的情境和气味中。Their job can expose them to the most gruesome sights and smells.

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他们的喊声引来了可怕的哥拉克斯人的注意。Their cries attracted the malevolent attention of the gruesome Gorax.

在这令人毛骨悚然的故事之后,保卫战形势突然好转。After this gruesome tale the easing of the siege comes as an anticlimax.

在这段令人毛骨悚然的故事之后,围攻突然开始缓解,事态总算没有发展得更糟。After this gruesome tale the easing of the siege comes as an anticlimax.

细想法医等人为何需要这些生卒数据可能有点令人毛骨悚然。It’s a bit gruesome to contemplate why coroners and others need these data.

地狱黏胶陷阱会让黏著的动物慢慢的缺水或窒息而死。Gruesome glue traps cause animals to slowly dehydrate or suffocate to death.

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间谍,枪战,背叛,刑讯,任何一条都足以致人死地。Spying and shoot-outs, treachery and torture, not to mention gruesome deaths.

艾德-苏马的了望塔攻击敌人的方式独到而可憎。Adad -shuma's watchtowers have their own gruesome ways of attacking the enemy.

许多囚犯惨遭蹂躏,成为了可怕的医学实验的受害者。Many prisoners were tortured and were victims of gruesome medical experiments.

夸伦人首领诺瑟·赖不忍心看这可怕的一幕。Quarren Chieftain Nossor Ri cannot bring himself to watch this gruesome sight.

一些还踢他的尸体,还有就直撞上去。Some kicked the corpse. Others butted it. It was an incredible, gruesome scene.

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虽然良心上极力拒绝,但布鲁克斯,最终还是加入了这骇人的“盛宴。Brooks emerged from his conscientious objection " to share in the gruesome bounty.

从前的童话都是充满了曲折情节和阴森结局的。Fairy tales of the past were often full of macabre and gruesome twists and endings.

听上去有些可怕,但却使我们知道了,有些活动是无需大脑参与的It's kind of gruesome but we know there are some things you don't need your brain for.