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这些不平等条约是在强迫下签订的。These unequal treaties were made under duress.

因为需要和被迫,她学会了做生意。She learned the trade by necessity and under duress.

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在紧急关头,买家迫不得已别无选择。In an emergency, buyers under duress have no freedom.

亨利再一次被迫签署了这些条款。Once again, Henry signed the provisions under duress.

泰国和老挝政府否认在驱逐这些难民的过程中有强迫行为。The Thai and Laotian governments deny using duress in the deportations.

被迫行为作为一种可宽恕的辩护事由,有其科学合理之处。As a defensive matter that is excusable , the duress has its own rationality.

我们遇到一些非常绝望的人,他们被强制押回也门境内。We come across desperate cases of people who've been returned to Yemen under duress.

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这是一种拟人化的手法,因为冰川师没有生命的,但它同样也遭受到了胁迫。That's anthropomorphic, because ice isn't alive. But it's a thing that's under duress.

人权律师质疑这些供状的可信度,因为它们是在胁迫之下获得的。Human rights lawyers question the credibility of the confessions because they were obtained under duress.

在最终期限即将来临的压力下,向会话中填充东西是一种常见的捷径。Stuffing something into the session is a very common shortcut taken under duress of an impending deadline.

律师高盛说他的当事人是在被胁迫下做供的,他拒绝承认与枪击案有关。Goldman said his client made the confession under duress and that Bolden deniedinvolvement in the shootings.

7月8日法国政府宣布这名会计已经公开认错,但她的律师称此举是被迫而为。On July 8th the Elysée reported that the accountant had recanted, but her lawyer said this was under duress.

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这位法官表示,Abebe被认为是盖拉尼被CIA监禁期间作出的声明的直接结果。Abebe was identified as a direct result of statements made by Mr. Ghailani under duress while held by the CIA.

但是,由于他们被认定为“被胁迫”状态,英国法律保护他们的账户不不让任何人触碰。But because the couple were deemed "under duress", British law prevented anyone from accessing their accounts.

无效合同可以是因虚假陈述、强迫或不正当施压而签订的合同。Examples of void contracts are those entered into as a result of misrepresentation, duress or undue influence.

一六三三年,伽利略在宗教裁判所的威逼之下,宣布放弃自己的地动论。Under duress from the Inquisition in 1633, Galileo recanted his theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

一个星期后,沙皇被迫退位,第一临时政府接管了俄国。One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country.

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个人所得结果可能不尽相同。根据你爱人的忍受程度,这个设备可能值得你去花时间和力气。YMMV, and depending on the duress your snoring causes your loved ones, the device may be worth your time and trouble.

研究表明,在那些收入最高者同时也是最富裕人群的几个州中,非富裕家庭表现出“金融胁迫”症状的可能性更高。In states where the highest earners were wealthiest, non-rich households were more likely to report "financial duress".

现在我不禁地怀疑那些买家有着和我同样的经历,被迫留下了好的评价。Now I cannot help but suspect that those customers had the same experience as mine and left positive comments under duress.