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一些养蜂企业遭到打击。And some beekeeping businesses have failed.

但是,城市养蜂是要负责任的。But with urban beekeeping comes responsibility.

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花园的一部分被圈出来养蜂。Part of the garden was railed out for beekeeping.

我的下一个家庭冒险是在春天的时候养蜂!My next homesteading adventure is beekeeping this spring!

现在他们了解到养蜂与忙碌的工作和家庭生活并不矛盾。Beekeeping is not incompatible with busy family and working life.

这就像是一个死亡金属乐的乐迷同时还痴迷于养蜂!It's like being a death metal fan who is also passionate about beekeeping.

人类历史上多数时期,蜂蜜都是从野蜂蜂巢收集得到的。For most of human history, honey was gathered from wild hives. Beekeeping began only

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大蜂螨是危害世界养蜂业最为严重的害虫之一。Varroa mite is one of the most harmful vermin that disserve the beekeeping in the worldwide.

我国蜜源资源十分丰富,发展规模化养蜂势在必行。China is very rich in bee resources, the development of large-scale beekeeping is imperative.

规模化养蜂能大幅度提高蜂产品质量,充分利用蜜源资源,以规模要效益。Large-scale beekeeping can greatly improve the quality of bee products and make full use of bee resources.

许多来自佛罗里达州洲的美国学生把养蜂业带给了加纳的农民。Some American students from Florida are bringing the business of beekeeping to farmers in a community in Ghana.

同时,商业养蜂产业正挣扎着给农民提供蜜蜂授粉服务。Meanwhile, the commercial beekeeping industry is struggling to provide pollination services to the nations' farmers.

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然而,它的发表带来的仅仅是更多令人疑惑和尚未明了的问题,同时也让科学界和养蜂行业为之愤怒。Instead, it has only brought more confusion, unanswered questions, and anger in the science and beekeeping communities.

目前,乔纳斯·保尔所经营的欧姆莱特公司正在帮助把这项传统的乡村养殖艺术带给城市居民。Now Johannes Paul's company Omlet is helping to transform the traditionally rural art of beekeeping for the city dweller.

瞧,这不仅仅是养蜂业要担心的问题,失踪的蜜蜂影响到了每一个人。See, it's not just the beekeeping business that has something to worry about — the loss of honey bees affects all people.

这需要我们保持良好的环境,并对养蜂业和农业进行长期的完善。It may require taking better care of the environment and making long-term changes to our beekeeping and agricultural practices.

倘若我们的养蜂行业在这个国家无法生存,那么在美国,农业社区也将不会存在,就是这么回事儿。If we cannot survive as a beekeeping industry here in this country, there will not be an agriculture community here in the U.S., period.

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这些组织利用最新的农业科技,比如温室大棚,水下栽培,屋顶养蜂来扩大产量。These co-ops will also exploit recent innovations of urban agriculture such as high greenhouses aqua and rooftop beekeeping to further generate revenue.

一些来自佛罗里达的学生正在将养蜂业向戛纳地区的农民引进。Some American students from Florida are bringing the business a bee key been of beekeeping to follows farmers in the communite a community in Ghana, the.

文中着重分析了本地区主要蜜源、主要粉源、重要辅助蜜粉源植物,为科研和持续开发利用植物资源提供了科学依据。The major nectar plants, pollen plants and important auxiliary nectar and pollen plants were analysed. The results can be used as reference for the arrangement of beekeeping.